How to save the selected area in the photoshop channel

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How to save the selected area in the photoshop channel
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The method to save the selected area is simple. After selecting the selected area in Photoshop, click Edit in the menu bar, select Define Brush and Brush, and then select Save as Brush. In this way, you can save the selected area in the brush library. In addition, if you need to use the selected area in other software, you can also export the selected area.
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There are three methods: ps loading selection shortcut, channel operation loading selection, and right-click menu loading.
1、 Shortcut key operation:
1. If you have saved the selected area in the previous step (as shown in the figure below)
2. Here, press the shortcut key for PS loading the selected area: Alt+S+O (note that it is not the number 0), the dialog box of "Loading Selected Area" will pop up, and then select the corresponding channel (where the channel is the name of the selected area whose path is entered in our event tree and saved before)——

If you have a framed selection in your canvas before loading it. When loading a selection, you can select the loaded selection and the existing selection for operations, such as adding to the selection, subtracting from the selected departure area, and crossing with the selection.
2、 Use channel:
Switch to the channel panel, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the corresponding channel, such as "11", we can load the selection area.
In the same way as the previous method, if there is already a selected area in the canvas before loading the selected area, we can use the following shortcut keys related to ps loading the selected area to load.

3、 PS right-click menu loading
The method of loading the selection area using the right-click menu is very simple, that is, "Select - Load Selection Area"
If no selection area exists in the current canvas, you can create it. First select the following tools——
Right click the canvas after the rectangular box tool (shortcut key M), lasso tool (shortcut key L), magic wand (shortcut key W) or cutting tool (shortcut key C). Select "Load Selection Area", and you can also see "Load Selection Area" in the pop-up options.

Extended data:
PS configuration tips:
1. The software requires a scratch disk that is at least three to five times the size of the largest image to be processed. For example, if you plan to process a 5MB image, you need at least 15MB to 25MB of available hard disk space and memory size.
2. If sufficient temporary disk space is not allocated, the performance of the software will be affected. To get the best performance of Photoshop, set the maximum amount of physical memory to 50% - 75%.
3. Press Ctrl and Alt when opening Photoshop to change its temporary disk before Photoshop is loaded.
4. To restore all preferences to their default values, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift immediately after opening Photoshop or ImageReady. At this time, a dialog box will appear, and when you arrive, you will be asked if you are sure you need to reset.
5. Let Windows (especially 95/NT) use a customized display matching curve.
Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Adobe Photoshop
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Directly click the "Store Selected Area as Channel" button below
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You don't ask this question clearly, just say what effect you intend to achieve with PS
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There are two methods of invasion:
1、 There is a "Store Selected Area as Channel" button under the channel panel. Click it to see the stored selected area on the channel panel. If you want to call the selected area, click the corresponding selected area under the channel panel.
2、 Under the "Select" menu bar, there is an option of "Storage Selection Area". Click to name it to store it. To call the selection area, you can use "Load Channel as Selection Area" under the channel panel or click "Load Selection Area" under the "Select" menu bar.
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ZOL Q&A > How to save the selected area in the photoshop channel


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