Why does the system only display one video card when the laptop is finished? I should have a dual graphics card I made the Win7 system at the place where I repaired the computer. Is it a system problem

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Why does the system only display one video card when the laptop is finished? I should have a dual graphics card I made the Win7 system at the place where I repaired the computer. Is it a system problem
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Generally, laptops will be equipped with dual graphics cards when installing the Windows 7 operating system. However, if the installation personnel ignore the existence of the independent graphics card, or use the independent graphics card driver in a simplified upgrade mode, it may not be possible to realize the intelligent switching function between the integrated graphics card and the independent graphics card. In order to ensure normal use, please install the official version driver to set and adjust the selection. This ensures that you have the flexibility to choose the appropriate display mode as needed.
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The system may be defective. Or the graphics card driver is not installed properly.
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The only one that is used by the general system!
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I think you didn't install the unique display driver, so the computer property device management display adapter can only display the integrated graphics card. Download a driver and install the graphics card driver

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You can use the hotkey to switch. Usually, you can use Fn+F4 Lenovo to see if you can switch? If prompted, you can see that dual video card means one integrated display+one independent video card.
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ZOL Q&A > Internet behavior management > other > Why does the system only display one video card when the laptop is finished? I should have a dual graphics card I made the Win7 system at the place where I repaired the computer. Is it a system problem

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