Huawei's mobile phone flashes green and then goes black. It will be better later. Why

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Huawei's mobile phone flashes green and then goes black. It will be better later. Why
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Dear user. There may be multiple reasons and corresponding solutions for Huawei mobile phones that flash green and then black, and then return to normal after a while.

First, this may be caused by software problems. You can try the following steps to solve the problem: clear background applications, uninstall unnecessary applications, clear the phone cache and data, etc. If the problem is still unsolved, it is recommended to update the system or restore the factory settings.

Secondly, this may also be caused by hardware problems. For example, the screen interface is loose or other hardware is faulty. If the above software troubleshooting measures are invalid, please choose to send for repair or contact Huawei after-sales customer service for professional repair services.

In addition, the problem may also occur if the temperature of the phone is too high in summer or when the phone is used for a long time. In this case, the phone automatically turns off the screen to prevent damage. You can rest your phone for a while, and pay attention to providing good cooling conditions for your phone to avoid overheating.

To sum up, when Huawei's mobile phone flashes green and then goes black and returns to normal after a period of time, please give priority to software adjustment and processing measures. If the problem still cannot be solved, it is recommended to seek professional maintenance or after-sales service. I hope the above information is helpful to you. thank you!
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > screen > Mobile phone black screen > Huawei's mobile phone flashes green and then goes black. It will be better later. Why


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