What's the best video card to play games

What's the best video card to play games
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What is the best video card to play the game at present? The price of the video card is 1000 yuan.

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At present, the best N card is GTX780Ti (not GTX Titan). It uses the full specification Kepler GK110 architecture and has up to 2880 CUDA units. In addition, the frequency is also higher than that of GTX780 GTX TITAN should be high. The video memory frequency of up to 7GHz has increased the video memory bandwidth to 336GB/s, surpassing R9 290X, and making the 512bit large bit width of R9 290X no longer shine. Whether it is the mainstream 1080P resolution or 1600P UHD, GTX780Ti has absolute performance leadership.
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The 7850 1G with a price of 1000 yuan is the most cost-effective
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There is no best, only better. The best is what is suitable for your own use. You have to understand what you do
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ASUS GTX770-DC2OC-2GD5, Gigabyte GV-N770OC-4GD, etc. have a high * price ratio *.
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Or MSI N650Ti Hawk 1000 yuan
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There is a slight problem with your statement. Fast core and video storage frequency are not necessarily good video cards. It mainly depends on the fact that there is not much choice for core models below 1000 yuan. If you don't mind using second-hand video cards, you can accept second-hand ones. They are cost-effective, such as GTX 560TI and HD6930 (slightly better than the former) It is estimated that this is the best price that can be received below 1000 yuan, followed by the GTX 560 and HD6870, which are also nearly below 1000 yuan. The new GTX650 and above HD7770 and above * price ratio * is lower than the above four or the price is high or the performance is poor. Please pay attention to whether your power supply can be supported, The above four types of power supply must be at least 400W in order to work stably and under high load. Your CPU should not be too low, or you can waste the performance of your graphics card. You can go to the Zol hardware trading channel to check it. It often produces hardware, and the price is reasonable (if it is high, it will be cut). If you have problems, you can ask questions. The brand is not recommended. You can check it first, and I can help you with specific analysis
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No, the best is better. The 7850 is good. High cost performance
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The video card depends on what game you need to play and what budget you need. Looking at the budget in lz1K, it is suggested that you can use the HD7850 A card
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