Which of the two versions of Xiaomi 3 CPU is better?

Which of the two versions of Xiaomi 3 CPU is better?
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Excuse me, does Xiaomi 3 have a telecom version
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It seems that the choice is not the CPU, but the mobile number.
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Tegra 4 Quad Core 1.8GHz and Snapdragon 800 are relatively better than Tegra 4 in terms of power consumption and efficiency
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Your Vida is better at playing games. Qualcomm usually uses them better,
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Qualcomm's Cpu should be better. In fact, it depends on the number you use Unicom or Mobile
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At the same level of performance.
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I think the NVIDIA Tegra 4 quad core 1.8GHz is much better. It should be clear to all game players. Although the Qualcomm 800 is also good, it is better than the computing speed, game rendering, chip layout, power saving and the company's powerful NVIDIA Tegra 4,
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Suggested Unicom version
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Mi phones > Xiaomi 3 (Mi3/Mobile 3G) > Which of the two versions of Xiaomi 3 CPU is better?


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 Which of the two versions of Xiaomi 3 CPU is better?

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