After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?

After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?
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RT, Heard you want to download the driver?

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The reply on the first floor is perfect! Praise the first floor!
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Go to the official website to download relevant drivers
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Download the driver directly from the official website. How can I use it without installing the driver
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The touch pad driver is inappropriate, or the system is short of something
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Check online, there are detailed instructions online
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Synaptics touchpad driver can be implemented, but the touchpad driver provided on Lenovo's official website does not have this function. Therefore, to achieve this, you need to change the driver version, but then install two registry files.

Click to download: Synaptics touchpad driver

Click to open the control panel of the synaptics pointing device: the interface where the registry file is not installed
 After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?

To modify the registry, click Download to download the relevant registry files: Auto disable touchpad. rar (size 275B)
Double click Install:
 After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?

 After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?
Confirm installation registry

The message in the lower right corner indicates that the new function has been successfully installed
 After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?

Open the control panel of the synaptics pointing device: install the interface after automatically disabling the touchpad registry
 After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Youpai keyboard > Optimist shortcut key > I have reinstalled a flagship system, so I can't use it quickly


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 After reinstalling a flagship system, I can't lock the touchpad with shortcut keys. What should I do?

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