Hello: word, I want to ask you a question. Why do you produce more than half of the paper when typing?

Hello: word, I want to ask you a question. Why do you produce more than half of the paper when typing?
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Advanced typesetting! In fact, if the simple column out of the results are ugly! It will be better to apply the style!! There are options in the columns: three columns are also OK! There will be column lines, which can be removed from the style!

2. Open the menu bar [File] -- [Page Setup]: At the margin, adjust it to the minimum (0.6 up, 0.6 down, 0.5 left, 0.5 right), so that it is near the minimum

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Scenario 1: There may be a problem with the printer driver
[Start] [Control Panel] [Add or Remove Programs], uninstall the print driver, and then download and install it again on the Internet, or find the installation CD of the printer driver and reinstall it to see if the problem can be solved.
Case 2: The margins of the Word document are set incorrectly
Generally, if the margin of a Word document is less than 1 cm, the excess part cannot be printed. We usually set the margin of Word. In order to avoid incomplete printing, we set the margin of Word to be more than 1.5 cm. Therefore, incomplete printing of Word occurs. Please open Word's [Page Setup] [Page Margin], Look at the margins of a Word document.
Case 3: Paper setting error
There is also a case that Word does not print completely. That is, the paper setting is wrong. For example, the printer contains A4 paper, and then the paper setting in Word is A3. Of course, the extra part will not be displayed. So if the above methods fail to solve the problem, please check whether the paper setting in Word is the same as that in the printer. View and set in [Page Setting] [Paper].
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 Hello: word, I want to ask you a question. Why do you produce more than half of the paper when typing?

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