The computer was able to access the Internet normally the day before yesterday, but yesterday, the computer was only able to access the Internet normally with 360 browser, and other software was basically unable to access the Internet. 360 security guards also only

The computer was able to access the Internet normally the day before yesterday, but yesterday, the computer was only able to access the Internet normally with 360 browser, and other software was basically unable to access the Internet. 360 security guards also only
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The computer was able to access the Internet normally the day before yesterday, but yesterday, suddenly, the computer could only access the Internet through 360 browser, while other software was basically unable to access the Internet. 360 security guards could only connect to the cloud security center. Other 360 series repairs were basically ineffective View All

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This is because the iKu software (the upload/download tool of Youku) you downloaded and installed has modified the LSP of this computer.

Download and install a 360 security guard, and operate "Common" → "Functions" tab → "Network Optimization" → Repair Network (LSP) in sequence. Click "Repair Now" in the lower right corner of the pop-up interface. This will solve the problem.

If you open or install the iKu software again, this problem may occur again. It is recommended that you uninstall the software directly.
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Download a Kingsoft lsp repair tool, select LSP initialization, ignore 360's blocking, select Release, and then restart the computer as prompted. Apart from this method, everything else doesn't work, including 360 various repairs, 360 first-aid kit, and automatic repair in browser help.

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The upstairs method is too right. Only Jinshan is useful, but nothing else is.

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Jinshan hasn't tried it, but I did fix it with 360 lsp. I wanted to use iTunes to download videos today, but it turned out to be such a hole
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > 360 Security Guard Notebook > The computer was able to access the Internet normally the day before yesterday, but suddenly the computer

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 The computer was able to access the Internet normally the day before yesterday, but yesterday, the computer was only able to access the Internet normally with 360 browser, and other software was basically unable to access the Internet. 360 security guards also only

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