The HP LaserJet P1108, a newly purchased HP printer, does not work, and the exclamation mark indicator is always flashing,

The HP LaserJet P1108, a newly purchased HP printer, does not work, and the exclamation mark indicator is always flashing,
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The exclamation mark indicator has been flashing, or the selenium drum is not installed properly (take out the selenium drum, wipe the metal contacts on the side, and then install the selenium drum); Or the printer jams, take out the toner cartridge, and see if there is any foreign matter inside. Also, has the seal and protective strip on the new toner cartridge been torn off? If not, it will be the same.
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Solution to the problem that the printer cannot print the alarm sign

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Open "Management Tools".

3. Double click Service.

4. Find the "Print Spooler" and double-click it.

5. In the pop-up dialog box, set the Startup Type to Automatic. Click the Start button in the Service Status column to display the service status as Started.

6. Click OK. The exclamation mark disappears and you can print normally.

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 The HP LaserJet P1108, a newly purchased HP printer, does not work, and the exclamation mark indicator is always flashing,

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