Recently, I want to buy a tablet and have a look at the movie and web page. I am obsessed with the T760, the MOMO8, the original N10, and the Ouen N5. Who can recommend it!

Recently, I want to buy a tablet and have a look at the movie and web page. I am obsessed with the T760, the MOMO8, the original N10, and the Ouen N5. Who can recommend it!
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There are not too many requirements. I hope the resolution is higher, the ability to see web pages and videos is better, and it is best to plug in USB directly! Thanks for the help of these machines! You must add points!

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56vm89ae75 Trainee expert

The original cost performance ratio is very high. If you want to watch movies and surf the Internet, it is enough. After all, the price of the tablet has been falling
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ZOL Q&A > tablet PC > Original tablet > Original N10 > I want to buy a tablet recently. I have nothing to do but watch movies and websites

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 Recently, I want to buy a tablet and have a look at the movie and web page. I am obsessed with the T760, the MOMO8, the original N10, and the Ouen N5. Who can recommend it!

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