Black Myth Wukong Games

Black Myth Wukong Games
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The size requirements of the game Black Myth: Wukong include two parts: running memory and storage space.

  1. Running memory:

    • The game needs 16GB of running memory to ensure its smooth operation.

  2. Storage space:

    • The game requires at least 50GB of storage space to install and store game data.

These numbers are based on currently known information and may change as the game is updated and expanded. Therefore, before downloading and installing the game, players should check whether their computer configuration meets these requirements to ensure the smooth operation of the game. In addition, the size of the game may also be affected by the quality of the game picture, sound effects, special effects and other factors. If players want to experience higher quality game effects, they may need higher configurations and larger storage space. Finally, players can view the detailed configuration requirements of the game on the official game website or related game platforms, so as to better understand the needs of the game for computer hardware.

 Black Myth Wukong Games

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One measure of 3A game is its large size. Black Myth Wukong's size should not be low, with a minimum of 50GB or more. In addition, if the super dlc is launched in the future, the size of the game will be further expanded.

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According to the real machine demonstration and content volume released by the game, the size of the PC game package of Black Myth Wukong is estimated to be between 50GB and 70GB. Many new generation 3A single player games are almost on this scale, and some even exceed 100GB.

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Although Black Myth Wukong has logged on to Steam and other platforms, it did not disclose the configuration requirements and the size of the game package, which is expected to be announced after the pre-sale of the game.

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