What about Xiaxin laptop? I want to buy a U6

What about Xiaxin laptop? I want to buy a U6
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OK, thank you, already purchased Xiaomi 14 , mainly upload photos, use the upper computer,
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OK, thank you, already purchased Xiaomi 14
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Amoi is basically outside the fourth line, I don't recommend buying it

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Not so good. To be honest, if you want to buy a laptop with high cost performance, don't look for a niche brand. Their bargaining power is weak. They can't get competitive prices from upstream manufacturers. Let's look at the third and fourth tier manufacturers.
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It's too bad. The budget is not enough. You can buy low configuration Lenovo, HP, Acer, etc. More than two thousand are many. In the future, if you have some money, you can upgrade your memory and hard disk.
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The budget is not recommended generally. Xiaomi and Seven Rainbow notebooks are cost-effective notebooks.
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 What about Xiaxin laptop? I want to buy a U6

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