I remember when I was in college in 17 years, my relatives gave me a Lenovo computer with a silver white metal AC surface and an i7 processor. The video card was a radeon 530, like a 720p screen, like an idealpad series. The god knew what it was

I remember when I was in college in 17 years, my relatives gave me a Lenovo computer with a silver white metal AC surface and an i7 processor. The video card was a radeon 530, like a 720p screen, like an idealpad series. The god knew what it was
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I remember when I was in college in 17 years, my relatives gave me a Lenovo computer with a silver white metal AC surface and an i7 processor. The video card was radeon 530, and the screen was 720p, which seemed to be the idealpad series. Does God know what model the computer is View All

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The computer is too old
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It is recommended that the computer be replaced
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It should be Yangtian v330, but his screen is 1080
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According to your description, it may be Lenovo IdeaPad 320 series. It is recommended to purchase a DDR4 2133/2400MHz memory module.

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 I remember when I was in college in 17 years, my relatives gave me a Lenovo computer with a silver white metal AC surface and an i7 processor. The video card was a radeon 530, like a 720p screen, like an idealpad series. The god knew what it was

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