How to use ppt to make dynamic charts?

How to use ppt to make dynamic charts?
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Multiple rectangles with different lengths, simulating the dynamic effect of real-time loading

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  1. First start ppt2010, execute the File Open command, and open a PPT chart file.

  2. Select a chart and execute the Animation Erase command. The entire chart will be set to the Erase animation effect.

  3. Call up the animation pane, click the effect option, and then the erase option dialog box pops up.

  4. Switch to the chart animation tab, set the combined chart as the element in the sequence, and click OK.

  5. Set the start time in the toolbar to 1.5 seconds after the last animation.

  6. Press f5 to play and view the effect. Of course, you can also set other types of animation.

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The dynamic chart of PPT looks very tall, but it is not difficult to make it. Here is how to make a dynamic bar chart. Let's put the effect chart first.

Insert Chart

Step 1

Insert an arrow shape, and then copy it. Right click other arrow shapes [Set Shape Format] - [Fill] - [Color] to set the arrow to a different color. Step 2

To insert a column chart, click Insert - Chart - Column Chart - Clustered Column Chart. Step 3

Copy and paste the arrow shape inserted in step 1 into the histogram inserted in step 2, and delete the arrow shape outside the original chart after copying. Step 4

A chart window will pop up after inserting the bar chart. Enter the data of the bar chart in the window.

Add Animation

Step 1

Click and select Animation - Enter - Erase. Step 2

Click and select [Animation] - [Advanced Animation] - [Animation Pane], click the drop-down arrow on the right, select [Effect Options], click [Timing] in the pop-up window, and select [After Last Animation] from [Start].

Step 3

Click [Graph Animation] in the same window in Step 2, and select [By Elements in Series] in [Combine Charts].

A few simple operations can make dynamic charts, and you can add some new ideas to the charts!

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Many people don't think it's important to make charts, but I think it's too important.

You this month achievement How many? sales volume How much growth, these are to use charts to show! Then there comes the problem. Your chart is too ugly. The boss may not even look at you!

I share this today Dynamic chart , has made many people's bosses look up to him!

[Benefits at the end: dynamic PPT chart source file]

Free delivery!!!

How is this advanced and cool PPT chart made?

In fact, it's not difficult, just two simple steps:

01. Making three-dimensional elements with shapes

02. Add mask animation to the chart

01. Making three-dimensional elements with shapes

When it comes to three-dimensional elements, many people will think that professional software must be used to produce them, because there is no such thing as PPT.

But in fact, we only need a diamond and two parallelograms to spell out the cube in the case:

Some friends may still not understand it. Here are the specific steps:

First, we insert a built-in parallelogram of PPT, adjust the size and bevel slope appropriately, and rotate it 90 degrees to the left:

Then, we copy the parallelogram, flip it horizontally, and arrange it along the right side of the first parallelogram:

Next, we insert a diamond, and Adjust the width, height and size to fit the width and angle of the diamond with the two parallelograms:

After the shape is spelled out, we can add different colors to each surface to simulate the feeling of being illuminated by the light source, so that the shape looks more three-dimensional:

It's a bit three-dimensional, but it seems that it's not very interesting. It lacks some sense of landing.

So, how to make the shape more "landing"?

The answer is, Make a projection of the shape. After all, if there is light source, there should be shadow.

Let's first insert a gradient parallelogram:

Then rotate it properly and adjust the slope of the side to fit the bottom edge of the cube:

Here, a cube is completed

Is it easy?

By analogy, we can make other cubes according to the column height of the original chart, and add data labels:

02. Add mask animation to the chart

After the cube is drawn, how to make the cube display data dynamically?

In fact, it's very simple, just need Add a line animation to the cube and an erase animation to the shadow:

In order to facilitate your understanding, I also recorded some motion pictures here.

First, add line animation to the cube and data label:

(Note that because the default moving path of linear animation is short, we can extend it manually according to the actual situation.)

Then add erase animation to the shadow, Note that the direction is from right to left:

By analogy, we can add corresponding animation to the rest of the elements, and then look at the effect:

The order of projection and cube is a bit disordered, right?

To solve this problem, we need Adjust the order and delay time of each animation:

After adjusting the sequence and delay, let's see the effect again:

The elements appear in the right order, but there is no sense of "breaking the ground", right?

The solution to this problem is also simple. You only need to make a mask layer.

First, we create a new blank page, copy all cubes to the page (remember to dissolve the combination if there is one), and then copy and move up:

After that, Insert a rectangle the same size as the page, Ctrl+A select all rectangles and cubes, and perform pruning in Boolean operation , you can get the mask layer:

We copy a mask layer, paste it on the previous page, and adjust all projections to the previous layer of the mask layer.

Then let's see the effect:

Have you got the feeling of "breaking through the ground"?

Finally, we will Add a gradient to the background and mask , make the visual effect more beautiful:

Then add the corresponding words, and you're done~

This is the static version:

Actually, it's pretty good

Look again at the dynamic version:

It's really very advanced and cool

Finally, let's review:

01. Use shapes to spell out three faces, and set different colors to reflect the three-dimensional sense

02. Add animation and make a mask to create the illusion of a cube "breaking through the ground"

Here comes welfare~

Click on my homepage and reply via private message: dynamic

You can get this dynamic PPT chart source file for free

Welcome to click my avatar, enter my homepage, browse more high-quality PPT tutorials, and have free resources waiting for you~

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PPT is very powerful. First, look at the presentation of the following three dynamic charts.

First, the production of dynamic column chart

1. Add Chart: Insert Chart Column Chart

2. Beautify the chart: select a single column chart and fill it with color

3. Add animation: Animation - Erase - By elements in the series

Second, the production of animated pie chart

1. Add Chart: Insert Chart Pie Chart

2. Beautify the chart: select each part of the pie chart and fill it with color

3. Insert text box: insert a text box, enter the numbers to be displayed in the text box, and then select the text box - Start - Paragraph - Multiple Line Spacing to set to 0

4. Add animation: set the animation of pie chart to "wheel", and the animation of text box to "blink once", then click "timing" in "effect options", set "repetition" to "0.99", and so on

Third, the production of animated bar charts

1. Add Chart: Insert Chart Bar Chart

2. Beautify the chart: insert two bottles with different colors - ctrl+c copy the yellow bottle - select the "blue" part of the bar graph ctrl+v. Right click Set Data Series Format on the chart, set Series Overlap to 100%, and set Gap Width to an appropriate width. Then, under "Fill", set it to "Cascade and Scale", and set the unit to "10" (the unit is based on the actual table data). The red part of the bar graph is set in the same way

3. Add animation: set the animation of the bar graph to Erase - Set the Effect Options to By Elements in Category

The above is the production method of dynamic chart in PPT collected by individuals, and I hope it can be useful for everyone. Welcome to discuss more PPT production dynamic chart methods you know in the message area!

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It is not difficult to make dynamic data charts in PPT.

The key is how to use the animation correctly, so that the data chart can look better and reasonable.

Zheng Shaoju has two types: pie chart and column chart.

1、 Dynamic Making of Pie Chart

1. First, be sure to insert a pie chart chart, as shown in the figure.

2. The best animation to match the pie chart is Wheel, so that the chart can appear in a clockwise manner.

At the same time, you can select different types in the [Effect Options] of animation. Here, [By Category] is selected.

3. After the animation is completed, start the test. If there is no problem, the setup can be successful.

2、 Dynamic Making of Column Chart

1. Similarly, the column chart is inserted first.

2. Select Add Animation. The animation that matches the column chart is Erase, so that the column chart can appear from bottom to top.

Similarly, you can select different types by clicking Effect Options. Here, you select By Series.

3. After adding the animation, you can test it. If no problem is found, you can set it successfully.

At the same time, if you want the whole to appear, you can also select [By Category] in [Effect Options] of the animation.

In short, choose different animation effects according to the needs of data, rather than random selection.

Well, I hope two tips can help you set up dynamic charts better.

I am the headline author Zheng Shao PPT. I hope that this knowledge can help you and pay more attention to the WeChat official account: Zheng Shao PPT.

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I can't design dynamic charts in PPT. I can't design such dynamic charts, but download others' creations.

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Chart is very important in PPT

There can be no chart, neither can there be no chart.

Today, we will make a logic diagram for a previously published case

If you know how to do a chart, you will know how to represent a dynamic chart.

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100 pages microsome PPT chart

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