Will you take part in the 299 package with iPhone 12 (128) for four years?

Will you take part in the 299 package with iPhone 12 (128) for four years?
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Suppose an operator has a promotional activity, consumes 299 packages per month, gives iPhone 12 (128G) for four years (linked to credit), and the official website price is 6799 yuan. In the third year, the operator can participate in the old for new activity, and 0 yuan for new products (such as iPho View All

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If it is used by the whole family, it will be very cost-effective

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2-year interest free official website

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If the phone bill is more than 200 a month, it will be cost-effective. Generally speaking, it is not cost-effective if the call cost is more than dozens or 100! Now mobile phone The update is too fast. Maybe one year later, I want to change to 13. What will I do then?

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The iPhone 14 is still tied to the package for four years. It's the iPhone 16. What's the use of the iPhone 14? When should I bind it again for another four years? We have used it for 20 years. You still have 14? The gap between the 6th generation and you is nothing

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It depends on your phone bill. If your phone bill is already high, and your company will reimburse you, why not take part in it. If only to mobile phone It is not cost-effective to go to the high consumption package. After all, what you buy is not as good as what you sell, and you have to accept the shortcomings of the customized machine of the operator.

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This is OK if the call fee is reported

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First of all, the iPhone 12 128g 6799 operator requires 48 months online, 288 × 48=13824 yuan, 13824-6799=7025 yuan, which means you spent 7025 yuan more in four years

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See your original communication volume. If you already use the package at this price, you must make a profit. If you only use dozens of yuan for the package, you will lose.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > iPhone > Apple iPhone 12 (4GB/64GB/full > The 299 package will give iPhone 12 for four years

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 Will you take part in the 299 package with iPhone 12 (128) for four years?

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