What are the four fixed focus lenses/35, 50, 85 and 135mm suitable for shooting?

What are the four fixed focus lenses/35, 50, 85 and 135mm suitable for shooting?
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35mm, wide angle humanities

50mm, standard humanities

85mm, standard portrait

135mm, telephoto theme, various telephoto character close-up/sketch close-up/telephoto humanities/landscape theme

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These four fixed focus lenses are mainly medium and long focus lenses, and 35 is a small wide-angle lens. To know what these four lenses are suitable for shooting, let's first explain their fundamentals. Under the full frame of 35mm film, their diagonal viewing angle ranges are about 64 °, 47 °, 28 ° and 18 °, respectively. From this visual range, we can see that in addition to the coverage, there is also a perspective problem, Wide angle will produce near large and far small perspective, while medium and long focus will form near small and far large perspective. The lens close to the human eye should be 55-60mm, and the perspective effect will be stronger toward both ends; The depth of field will become smaller and smaller as the focal length increases.

Understand the relationship between vision and perspective, and then use the aperture adjustment to improve or select the depth of field. Using the perspective characteristics of the lens, different focal lengths will have different performance effects.

In other words, if the subject occupies the same proportion of the picture, as the focal length increases, the content of the picture background will become less and less.

By using this different proportion structure of focal length, vision and depth of field, you can flexibly use the effect of making the performance theme more prominent and the background set off.

35mm, used for scenes with environmental descriptions, small gatherings, documentary photography;

50mm, close to human vision, small depth of field, half body portrait, group photo, etc;

85mm, traditional typical portrait lens, small depth of field, easy to highlight the main body, portrait close-up, sketch;

135mm, medium and long focus lens, small depth of field, compressed visual space, flowers, small scenery, distant mountains, etc;

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As a person with four focal segments, I often regard these four lenses as my mentors and friends.

35mm is like a friend who goes shopping with you. Every scenery and context can let 35mm complete the scene description and render specific friendship. It is reasonable and easy to use.

50mm is like your own eyes. The world in your eyes is within your reach. It is real without rendering, close without carving, and is especially good for care.

85mm, for example, a pair of wings, is the best invitation for people to stop in an instant. It can be accurate to the waves of the eyes and peek into the monologue of the heart. She only likes human images, sharp and elegant.

The 135mm Yan Ru beautiful stage can look at each other from afar, sing softly at a close distance, talk heartily at a middle distance, and also play the ultimate role. It is impossible to stop using gorgeous scenes to blend people and scenery.

I have these charming sections, as if to extend my eyes and invite with my heart, which is the reason why I love photography.

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Hello, friend, thank you very much for inviting me to answer your question. What subjects are suitable for these four lenses? My answer is: It varies from person to person.

The reason is very simple. Some people often use wide-angle lens to shoot scenery, while others often use telephoto lens to shoot scenery. Therefore, no matter what focal length lens is, it is possible to shoot any photographic subject. However, sometimes the limitation of shooting conditions requires a relatively suitable lens, For example: for example, I took two types of fixed focus heads, 35 and 135, and walked in front of a landscape. With a fixed stand, if I want to shoot more scenes, I need a wider lens. If I want to highlight a subject more, I need a longer lens. But here, I should pay attention to that the wider the focal length, the greater the distortion of the lens, It is often used for shooting subjects that need more foreground or exaggerate the tension of the picture. The telephoto lens has a relatively stronger sense of space compression. The longer the focal length of the lens, the closer the proportion of the main body and background elements in the picture will be. Therefore, similar moons with large and round roofs are shot with the telephoto lens.

If we insist on distinguishing what subjects these four lenses are suitable for shooting, generally speaking, the 35 and 50 focus segments are more suitable for shooting scenery, cultural or environmental portraits. On a full frame camera, 35 is close to the binocular vision range of people, and 50 is close to the monocular vision range of people. Compared with the other two lenses, 85 is more suitable for shooting outdoor portraits For the photography subject of bust portrait, 135 is more suitable for photography subject with strong sense of space compression and strong background virtualization. But remember what I said at the beginning, no matter what lens is, it must vary from person to person. I hope my answer can help you.

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The 35 lens is suitable for shooting humanities, portraits and landscapes.

50, 85. The lens is suitable for portrait shooting.

135 lens is the first choice for portrait shooting, commonly known as air cutting machine. The portrait is dreamy and beautiful outside the focus, and sharp inside the focus.

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35 It is suitable for indoor, private, documentary photography, environmental portraits, etc. It is suitable for relatively narrow spaces with slight distortion, so that it can shoot slender figures without distortion. Compared with 50 perspectives, it is not so mediocre, and has a certain visual impact.

50 perspective is relatively more suitable for entry-level use. The perspective and perspective are consistent with the human eye. What you see is what you get. It is good at taking close ups and expressing emotions. You can also shoot products to make the perspective relationship more realistic.

85 and 135 due to focal length. It is more suitable for outdoor scenes. The large aperture's illusion effect makes it particularly suitable for shooting small fresh sugar water tablets. The excellent space compression and illusion ability can also shoot small scenes and objects.

Figure 1, 35

Figure 234, 50L

Figure 5678, 135L

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What are the four fixed focus lenses/35, 50, 85 and 135mm suitable for shooting?

Well, this question can be answered. I have all four lenses, and I'm also using them. The most commonly used one is 35mm. Let's briefly talk about what themes are suitable for the four lenses in general.

In order to say the theme suitable for the lens, we must understand the perspective of the lens and the suggested subject range. Next, we will popularize this knowledge point, and then give examples of how to use four lenses.

Original picture and text, no handling.

  • Relationship between focus and perspective

  • What is suitable for 35mm fixed focus?

  • What is suitable for 50mm fixed focus?

  • What is suitable for 85mm fixed focus?

  • What is suitable for 135mm fixed focus?

The relationship between focal length and perspective, as well as perspective effect

「1」 Camera angle

The angle formed between the center point of the lens and the two ends of the diagonal of the imaging plane is called the lens angle of view. Under the same imaging area, the shorter the focal length of the lens, the larger the angle of view; On the contrary, the longer the focal length of the lens, the smaller the angle of view. Generally speaking, the lens perspective refers to the imaging range that can be obtained by the lens when shooting. Therefore, a wider range of images can be captured by using a larger perspective under a short focal length, while a narrower range of images can be captured by using a smaller perspective under a long focal length, as shown in the following figure:

「2」 Perspective effect

So what's the use of perspective knowledge? This affects the perspective effect of imaging. Perspective is a popular expression of the principle of "near large, far small" in photographic works. Lens with different focal lengths will obtain different perspective effects, and works with short focal lengths will have obvious near large, far small effects; The near large and far small effect of the telephoto lens is not obvious, and the front and rear distances produce a sense of space compression.

Please note that this refers to the perspective effect of the image. In fact, perspective is not directly related to the focal length, but only to the shooting distance. The perspective is close, strong, far, and not strong; However, the focal length is indirectly related to perspective. If you use a wide angle to shoot the subject in the same size in the picture, the perspective effect is strong because it is close. If you use a telephoto lens to shoot the subject in the same size in the picture, the perspective effect is not obvious because it is far away. It's a bit confusing, but only if you understand the basic principle of "near large, far small". In general, the wide-angle lens can make the picture have a strong depth of depth, while the telephoto lens will make the picture more flat.

For example, understanding the perspective effect is very important for taking portraits. Specifically, for 35, 50, 85, and 135 lenses, if you take pictures of the same size of the subject, due to the length of the focal length, the distance from the subject increases from near to far with the increase of the focal length, what will be the effect, as follows:

35mm shooting distance is very close, with strong perspective effect;

50mm shooting distance is moderate, and the perspective is not so strong, which is suitable for taking portraits;

85mm is the best shooting distance, with good visualization effect, suitable for portrait shooting;

The 135mm shooting distance is far, and the illusion effect is good, but the human face will be compressed to be smaller, flat, and not three-dimensional. Asian facial features are not three-dimensional, so it is more suitable for European and American people.

From the above, we can see that when shooting a portrait with a wide-angle lens, the perspective effect is too strong, and the subject will have a big nose when it is too close to the subject; While using a telephoto lens to shoot a portrait will make the face appear flat, of course, it will also appear small. From the perspective of depth of field and perspective, 50mm and 85mm are the best focal lengths for shooting a portrait.

「3」 Suggested themes for each focal segment lens

Next, let's take a look at the general applicable photographic themes of the lenses in each focal section in the customary sense. We use the following table to illustrate, especially to remind that the above table is only a general reference range, not a static one. In actual photography activities, we can express the themes according to the on-site environment and needs, Flexible combination of lenses with different focal lengths.

Based on the above analysis, we will take a look at what subjects are suitable for shooting these lenses in general.

What is suitable for 35mm fixed focus?

The 35mm focal section belongs to the small wide-angle range. As we said earlier, if it is used for portrait close-up, there will be a "big nose" due to the close distance, and the edge imaging will also have wide-angle distortion. Generally, 35mm is mainly used for: small wide-angle scenery, human documentary, street photography, and environmental portrait. Because we know. The focal length of the lens is the most important factor to determine the range of depth of field. Because of the short focal length, the 35mm focal length lens is deep, the background is not easy to be blurred, and it can accommodate a wide range of pictures. It is more suitable for photographers to explain more of the surrounding environment in the picture. The sense of atmosphere is stronger, and more popular is to "tell stories". Therefore, the 35mm fixed focus lens is also recognized as a "humanistic mirror".

For example: the following picture is from Leica Ambassador and British photographer Alan Schaller.

"The photographer made full use of the distortion effect at the 35mm wide angle end |" Alan Schaller "

"When taking a 35mm close shot, the nose is very big |" Alan Schaller "

"35mm small wide angle, wide viewing angle, good for explaining the environment and highlighting the atmosphere |" Alan Schaller "

What is suitable for 50mm fixed focus?

In engineering optics, the definition of standard lens is "the lens whose focal length is equal to the diagonal length of the negative". For the 135 system, the diagonal length of the film is about 43mm, and 50mm is quite close to this, so it is also called standard lens. When it is used in the full frame system, the perspective effect is the closest to the perspective effect of the human eye. In general, it is "what you see is what you get". The distortion is small, and it can better restore the scene. Therefore, this lens has a very wide range of uses. Except that the scenery of large scenes cannot be shot, almost other subjects are competent.

The shared photos were taken with 50mm:

What is suitable for 85mm fixed focus?

The 85mm fixed focus lens has a good ability to blur the background. It is very beautiful outside the focus. The "portrait mirror king" can keep a proper distance from the subject when using the 85mm lens. The face of the subject character is smaller and more natural. The bust portrait and the full body portrait are both suitable. Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't shoot other subjects. Environmental portraits and small section scenery can be used. It depends on the environment and timing when you shoot.

The following photos were also taken with 85mm:

What is suitable for 135mm fixed focus?

The 135mm lens has a long focal length, needs to be far away from the subject, and has a strong sense of space compression. It is also known as the "small air cutter", which is particularly suitable for taking close ups of people in group activities;

As mentioned earlier, because of its strong compression, it is more suitable for European and American portraits with strong outlines, but I often use it for portraits, mainly environmental portraits, small section scenery, still life close-up, etc.

The following photos were taken with 135mm:

The above is only the recommended theme for 35, 50, 85 and 135 focus segments. In the actual shooting process, it is recommended to analyze the specific situation and select the appropriate focus segment.

For reference only.

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What are the four fixed focus lenses/35, 50, 85 and 135mm suitable for shooting?

First, let's talk about the four most suitable for shooting: portrait, portrait, or portrait.

Yes, generally speaking, the fixed focus lens is more suitable for shooting portraits, because we need excellent picture quality and soft out of focus effect in portrait shooting, and these large aperture fixed focus lenses can basically meet such shooting.

However, there are some differences between the four. Let's talk about them together.

35 Fixed focus, this lens is widely used by me, and it is also a lens with a high usage rate. I mainly use it to shoot scenery, folk customs, documentary, etc. I don't know why I don't like to use this lens to shoot portraits. Of course, I have seen many photographers' 35 portraits, which are also quite good.

50 focus. I often use this lens to shoot flowers and still life, and sometimes I like to use it to shoot portraits, especially in small spaces. It has better space for display. The lens in this focus section is also very practical, and I also use it to take group photos.

85 Fixed focus, this is a lens born for portraits, especially for environmental portraits. 85 is a good choice. This lens has a reasonable focal length, and is the first choice for portraits. It is the first choice for shooting small fresh portraits. It is a good equipment for outdoor portraits. It can be used to shoot flower subjects, and it is also very good.

135 Fixed focus, a special lens for portrait photography, especially for the pursuit of air cutting effect, 135 is the most suitable, with excellent picture quality and soft and beautiful outside the focus. Of course, this lens has a good performance not only in shooting portraits, but also in shooting flowers, mainly lotus, with good sharpness and harmonious colors. It is a good lens.

In fact, there is no absolute camera that can shoot anything. As long as they are used well, they can shoot anything. We should explore their advantages and shoot excellent works.

The above is my point of view, welcome friends to add or comment.

Sword dance video, a lover of western photography, looks forward to paying attention and praising. Your support is my driving force for progress

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