Are the wireless network cards sold online really usable?

Are the wireless network cards sold online really usable?
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The police have received reports from many people, and the investigation results have come out. The three major operators do not have unlimited traffic cards at all. The so-called unlimited traffic is the downtime number used by others, which allows you to directly charge for the downtime number, prevent you from calling, and send short messages View All

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I don't know whether it's true or false,

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The wireless network card on the Internet can be used, but the traffic is less than the operator's, and the network speed is slow, but it can be used without playing games, and it is also cheap.

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Please don't buy it. It's a fraud. You can only use it after asking for recharging. About half a month after recharging, the merchant will tell you that the system will be upgraded, and it won't work. Go to Pinduoduo. He said that you are an offline transaction, and the platform can refund you 20 or 30 yuan at most for buying the machine! I called to complain about this. 315, a black cat, didn't work out. The saddest thing is that I continued to complain for half a month. What is still on the Pinduoduo platform!

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I bought one, which is very fast! My bedroom has no network cable, which can be connected to 5G. I have basically said goodbye to the wired network cable!

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Who told you it wouldn't work? Or is there no such unlimited flow card? To put it bluntly, it is the IOT card! I have been using it all the time, except that I can't make phone calls and send messages. 50 G at 19.9 yuan, 100 G at 29.9 yuan, which can be stacked at any time without speed limit.

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If you want to buy a wireless network card online, the following points should be considered?

Whether Pinduoduo or Tmall sells some flow cards, these flow cards can be collectively referred to as IOT cards. The actual flow of IOT cards is different from the download flow, and after a period of use, you will find that the download speed will become slower, which is 1/3 of the 4G card network speed handled by our normal business hall, or even lower, Although the flow rate of IOT cards handled online is particularly eye-catching, you should pay attention to the fact that most of these cards are recharged through WeChat official accounts or websites, rather than the regular cards you use, which can be recharged through Alipay's business hall

So the IOT card you use may be normal in the first month of use, and not normal in the second month, or the card may be directly marked off, or the possibility of no signal suddenly occurs after recharging

Most importantly, many IOT cards purchased online do not need real name authentication. These cards have certain risks. If they are sealed off by the operator at any time, the cards will be scrapped directly, and the 4G signal will become a two g signal or no signal

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 Are the wireless network cards sold online really usable?

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