The iPhone 11 has a large sales volume, and the iPhone 12 supports 5G. Who should I choose?

The iPhone 11 has a large sales volume, and the iPhone 12 supports 5G. Who should I choose?
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Buy new instead of old, buy iPhone 12

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The key is that 5G is not yet mature.

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Although buying new instead of old, 5G traffic and standby still have signals, so it's a problem to not keep up!! The price performance ratio is quite good!!

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iPhone11 It is not very different from the iPhone 12. It has one 5G more than the iPhone 12, which is more cost-effective than the iPhone 11. however mobile phone The update is too fast. If you want to keep up with the pace, you can choose the latest model.

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Don't choose either, or use mine XS

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Under the condition of economic permission, electronic products must buy big brands, buy new products instead of old ones

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Very simple, 5g mature and new iPhone I came out and bought xr

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Thank you!

In fact, there is not much difference between the two in terms of use experience. In addition to 5g, 11 will be updated no matter what new features are added to iOS. It depends on the price. The difference between the two prices is about 1-1500!

Personally, I suggest you buy 12. After all, 5g network is becoming more popular

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 The iPhone 11 has a large sales volume, and the iPhone 12 supports 5G. Who should I choose?

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