If you plan to change your mobile phone in the first half of 2020, do you want to change it to 5g or continue to change it to 4g for two years?

If you plan to change your mobile phone in the first half of 2020, do you want to change it to 5g or continue to change it to 4g for two years?
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It depends on my personal financial situation. I don't plan to toss 5g at once!

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It should be replaced with 4G first. 5G is not mature yet.

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Change to 5G. I'm also preparing to change after the Spring Festival mobile phone The current 5G mobile phones can be compatible with 4G. According to the arrangement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 5G signals will cover all prefecture level cities by the end of this year. By then, some counties and some places may have signals. I have always believed that when buying electronic products, we must buy the most advanced ones at that time, otherwise we will fall behind when we buy them. They are not worth it and are uncomfortable to use.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > 4G life phone > It is planned to change the mobile phone in the first half of 2020, which is 5g

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 If you plan to change your mobile phone in the first half of 2020, do you want to change it to 5g or continue to change it to 4g for two years?

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