How many patents does Cisco have on 5G?

How many patents does Cisco have on 5G?
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Cisco is network equipment, and Huawei is network and communication.

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As the Chinese people all know, the result of "dead knocking" can only be broken head and bleeding blood! [bares his teeth] [bares his teeth] [covers his face]

Finally, he coughed to death.

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Cisco is the black hand behind the promotion of the US Congress to engage in Chinese technology enterprises.

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Cisco Wireless

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Cisco's main product is routers, but many network attacks rely on routers

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Cisco is not afraid of being monitored.

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Cisco can sell Huawei communication equipment in the United States

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 How many patents does Cisco have on 5G?

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Cisco is mainly in the field of data communication, and Cisco has no strength in wireless communication

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 How many patents does Cisco have on 5G?

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