The camera switch cannot be connected to the wireless router, how to set it?

The camera switch cannot be connected to the wireless router, how to set it?
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There is no description of the details of this question. The answer can only be thought!

However, the inspection method is as follows:

  1. Check whether there is a problem with the link, such as whether the network cable is plugged in or not, and whether the link between the camera and the wireless router is connected normally. If the line is made by yourself, check whether it is ok first with the line measuring instrument!

  2. Whether the camera is a wireless router connected through a switch or a router connected directly through WIFI.

  3. Whether the camera is independent or requires a NVR network hard disk recorder. If it is not necessary to ignore it, it needs to be connected to the router or switch through NVR.

  4. Check whether there is a network segment between the camera or NVR and the wireless route, and whether the gateway address is correct.

  5. Check whether the UPNP function is enabled for the wireless router, NVR and camera.

  6. Whether the wireless routing network is normal!

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Because the description is vague, this may be the following problem:

1. Camera: Check whether the camera needs to be configured with a fixed IP address. If the IP address needs to be specified or DHCP is used instead, the IP address will be automatically obtained. Check whether the network cable signal is normal, turn off the camera's UPNP, and check whether the video image ports match. If it is a wireless receiver, check whether the wifi configuration is normal and whether the SSID is correct.

2. Router: Whether the DHCP of the wireless router is enabled and whether the MAC address of the camera can be obtained.

3. Hard disk recorder (video server): whether the camera device is loaded, whether the port, user name and password are correct, whether the IP address and router are in the same network segment, and whether the functions are configured normally according to the brand.

The above is for reference only.

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I don't really understand your connection method. Generally, surveillance cameras have a connected DVR recorder to manage and store surveillance videos. The camera is connected to the recorder, the network cable is connected to the switch, and the LAN is connected. When you first bought a DVR recorder, you need to set it first. First, you need to connect the DVR recorder to the computer with an Internet cable. Look at the IP address on the label behind the DVR, then change the IP address of your computer to the same network segment, enter the IP address of the DVR on the browser, set it on the network, and change the IP address of the DVR to your intranet IP address, Finally, connect the network cable to the switch of the intranet. I happen to have several DVR recorders here. We mainly use Hikvision equipment. There is an IP address on the Hikvision camera. Remember to change the IP settings in the camera.

 The camera switch cannot be connected to the wireless router, how to set it?

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1. Log in to the router and set WLAN to automatically acquire IP address

2. Turn on the router's * line function *, keep the others as default, and save.

3. Connect the network cable to the WLAN port and test it.

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 The camera switch cannot be connected to the wireless router, how to set it?

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