How can the three high-voltage power lines form their own loops?

How can the three high-voltage power lines form their own loops?
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The phase angles of the three live wires differ by 120 degrees. In the balanced state, there is no current in the neutral wire.

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If you ask such a question, you may not understand the above answer. Baidu search for three-phase AC, the kind with pictures and texts, easy to understand

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The high-voltage power transmission is ABC three-phase, which is sent to the user end, and then the voltage is changed to the user target voltage through the transformer. The neutral point on the transformer is grounded and then leads out to the neutral line. What do you mean by the loop in the circuit?

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The phase difference between any two of the three live wires is 120 °, so there is a potential difference between the two at any time, which can certainly form a loop.

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380V between fire and fire. There is also a zero line, each of which is 220V between fire and zero. Generally, the main cable entering the distribution cabinet is a five wire three phase system, that is, three phase cables (three fire cables), one zero cable and one ground cable. When entering the house from the power distribution cabinet, one fire, one zero, and one ground are used. Fire and zero form a loop through the electrical appliance.

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The three-phase electric phase angles differ by 120 degrees, and the electric ground electromotive force (voltage) and direction of each phase are different at the same time.

However, whenever the electromotive force of three phases is added to zero. When one line goes in, the other two lines go out, and the other two lines go in and out. Repeat the cycle 50 times per second.

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Three of the three motors are live wires, and any two of them are loops. The waveforms of the three lines are staggered by 120 degrees, that is, the voltage peaks of the three lines are not at the same point, and the current flows back and forth between lines

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The three live wires, that is, the phase line, are 120 degrees each, that is, they form a vector with directions. Normally, the three phases are balanced, equal in size, different in direction, and there is voltage between each phase, that is, line voltage. This is different from the phase to the zero line. When balancing, the neutral point is zero, because this is itself a balance body, For low-voltage users, the power supply is a loop composed of live line and neutral line, that is, three-phase four wire, three-phase and neutral line. The statement of self forming circuit you mentioned is not very clear. For AC power, normally, three-phase power exists at the same time, and there is a problem due to the lack of one on the contrary. Our common high-voltage transmission lines are three-phase transmission. From the power plant to the substation, or between the substations, users can not directly use the high-voltage power transmission. It is necessary to gradually reduce the voltage.

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