What is the reason why the telecom 50M broadband WiFi is only 2m/s?

What is the reason why the telecom 50M broadband WiFi is only 2m/s?
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2M/S is not satisfied? For various reasons, only 8M/s for 200M optical fiber

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Failure to reach the standard is normal

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Router speed limit

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Normal network speed

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The 2.4G peak value of the wireless router is only 20M. Your router has reached 16M

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A gigabit router will do

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Generally, wireless routers support 30M bandwidth, and gigabit routers can support 100M bandwidth. If you only have 2M, it is estimated that the incoming bandwidth is not enough.

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You think 50M broadband speed is 50m per second

Is that right?

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 What is the reason why the telecom 50M broadband WiFi is only 2m/s?

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