Will it be more expensive to pay the electricity bill on Alipay?

Will it be more expensive to pay the electricity bill on Alipay?
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Personally, I think the rate should be the same as that of the power bureau. But I didn't use Alipay to pay the electricity bill.

Paying the electricity bill through Alipay is faster and more convenient. Generally, there is no extra discount, but it is good for Alipay's sesame credit score.

However, Bonbon checked it and said on the Internet that after using it, the electricity charge has changed more than before. I don't know the specific situation. See the figure below as a reference:
 Will it be more expensive to pay the electricity bill on Alipay?

 Will it be more expensive to pay the electricity bill on Alipay?

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Paying the electricity bill on Alipay is the same as paying in the electricity bill bureau. Alipay is mainly to make your life convenient, and there is no overcharging. If you are really worried, you can also go to the electricity bureau to ask.

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 Will it be more expensive to pay the electricity bill on Alipay?

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Think too much about how cheap Alipay is for you to earn. You can also pay the electricity charge with your bank card and Alipay. The electricity charge of Alipay is increasing day by day, and the bank card is the same every day. If you don't believe me, try it. Did you earn it or did Alipay earn it
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Alipay is just a platform, not a power grid distributor, so it doesn't make money. It just provides a pipeline to facilitate the purchase of electricity. Just as you usually use Alipay to scan the code for payment, the seller will collect as much as possible, and ant financial will not charge an extra penny.

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No, I have paid many times, and I can still pay with flowers

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It's the same. It's not expensive. I've been paying the electricity bill on Alipay, mobile phone Fees, Alipay and WeChat are no different,

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Not expensive

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It's not expensive here. I don't know about it anywhere else.

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 Will it be more expensive to pay the electricity bill on Alipay?

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