How to keep children away from online violence?

How to keep children away from online violence?
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Instead of viewing the black websites, parents should supervise in time. If children are found to be affected by online violence, they should be educated in time.

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wqkf6c52a3 Editorial experts

The teachers upstairs are really right. I think the most important thing is not to let the children at home contact the Internet too early. Now the network environment is very complex, and it is impossible for the children to completely filter out bad information, so it can alleviate this problem to some extent by contacting as little as possible

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In fact, the only way to stay away from violence is not to play games or watch network information. There are too many keyboard players on the Internet now. As long as you surf the Internet, no matter what you play games or do, there are everywhere

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As parents, we may not be able to improve the network environment, but we can tell children that the network is not a place to vent. When using the network at ordinary times, parents should do the necessary supervision, but try not to interfere and give him the necessary autonomy. When a child uses the Internet to communicate with others, once there are uncivilized words and attacks, remind the child immediately: "You are not so rude at ordinary times. Think about it, will you be sad when you say such words to your classmates and friends? Dad/Mom doesn't think you are a bad boy who will attack others behind your back..." Parents must show a "zero tolerance" attitude in this regard, and let children know that they should abide by rules and maintain good quality in life and on the Internet.

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Now children should contact the Internet less, study hard, and go out more!

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What you said upstairs is quite right. I think the most important thing is not to let the children at home contact the Internet too early. Now the network environment is very complex, and it is impossible for the children to completely filter out the bad information themselves, so it can alleviate this problem to some extent by contacting as little as possible

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This is too difficult. Watch the supervision and don't spray people on the Internet

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In the process of surfing the Internet, if teenagers are often abused and threatened on a website, they should stop browsing the website in time. It is suggested that the party concerned should not argue or scold the perpetrator, because this will only bring more humiliation. The best way to resist online violence is to stop browsing the web page, which can reduce the impact of online violence on yourself.

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