Which is more technologically advanced, Xiaomi 8 Discovery Edition or vivo NEX?

Which is more technologically advanced, Xiaomi 8 Discovery Edition or vivo NEX?
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What do you think is more technologically advanced, Xiaomi 8 Discovery or vivo NEX? Which is better in innovation, Xiaomi 8 Discovery or vivo NEX?

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in my submission vivo NEX This innovation is not small. For example, the lift camera is still invincible. This innovation is really worth praising. It's very distracting.

as for Millet 8 Where is innovation? I really don't want to say.

 Which is more technologically advanced, Xiaomi 8 Discovery Edition or vivo NEX?

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Millet 8 Restricted by the fact that the Snapdragon 845 must be sold cheaper than other 845's, it is impossible to make a big breakthrough under this requirement. No one can break the title of "bucket machine". As for the exploratory version, "the first 3D structured light in Android camp" seems to lack confidence in front of vivoNEX. But then again, the task of competing with NEX is not Xiaomi 8, but MIX3. Even compared with MIX2S, VIVONEX's deceptive appearance does not break through MIX too much. What's surprising is that there are two points: 1. Ejection camera. 2. "High price but low configuration" actually used 845. As for the first point, everyone has thought about, mobile phone In addition, the reliability of mechanical parts needs to be verified. As for the second point, the cost of 300 more can sell 1000 more. Although the flagship uses the top configuration, it should be a little far away from the "conscience" used by many netizens once.
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What's good about vivo? The price is nearly 1000 more than Xiaomi. Yes, it is a full screen, but can it have 3D face recognition? No, because it can't be worked out, is there no Xiaomi Explorer under the screen? The system is also modeled after iOS, and its function is rubbish. The AI, hehe, is much worse than Xiaomi's MIUI. Has anyone measured the score? Estimated garbage
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This theme is obviously a Vivo advertisement. If you can see it clearly, please hurry!
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Millet 8 NFC Mi Pay National Bus Card Universal Vivo Do you have Mi 8 Internet of Things to control TV, rice cooker, household appliances and so on Vivo
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My personal feeling, do mobile phone The full screen is to make the large screen mobile phone more convenient to use. If you have to upgrade it to nearly 100% and then abandon other hardware experiences, it will be meaningless.
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There is no aversion to personal aligned bangs. Fingerprint recognition is also playing poorly. I prefer the new one, Face ID, which is more secure. As for nex, it can only be said that it has made progress than before. If it is black technology, it really doesn't matter. It's a little boastful, and there are few practical words.
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I think Millet 8 There is no black technology in the Discovery Edition. Can the transparent back cover be considered as black technology? In fact, it has no practical use! As for dual band GPS, I haven't actually experienced it and won't comment on it, but I don't think it's a great technology.

But I think that viov NEX is relatively good in technology. First of all, it was the first in the world to solve the problem of comprehensive screen and fringe. The telescopic camera has two black technologies under the surface. It always hides the optical sensor under the screen, and the other is the screen vibration sound technology. As for the artificial intelligence system, we don't have to say anything about it, including intelligent photography, which is more popular, but certainly much better than Xiaomi's. A single HIFI chip can also be regarded as the gene of vivo. Now there are several companies that make independent chips, and the audio and video effects can't be compared!

 Which is more technologically advanced, Xiaomi 8 Discovery Edition or vivo NEX?

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 Which is more technologically advanced, Xiaomi 8 Discovery Edition or vivo NEX?

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