How about 360 mobile phone? Which is the best 360 phone? Is 360 mobile phone cost-effective?

How about 360 mobile phone? Which is the best 360 phone? Is 360 mobile phone cost-effective?
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Garbage in garbage, garbage, used for several months mobile phone Stripes appear for no reason. The mobile phone hasn't been played for several times. It hasn't been put in the pocket or dropped. The mobile phone is bought for the children at home. The children are at school, and only come back to play at home on Sunday. There is no after-sales service. Any problem with the mobile phone in San Bao is artificial. The after-sales personnel don't need any machine detection at all. They just look at it with their eyes and say that all the problems are man-made. 360 mobile phone is the most rubbish mobile phone I have ever seen. Whoever buys it will be cheated

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Since the launch of the 1000 yuan machine, 360 has been committed to lowering the hardware platform of high-end machines to the price below 2000, and has been successful every time - for example, the "1000 yuan Snapdragon 653+6GB large storage" 360 N5 at the beginning of the year, and no one is better than the other in terms of hardware performance at the same price

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three hundred and sixty mobile phone The brand promotion of 360 is not very good, and there are not many users, but it still has its own highlights. Now 360 mobile phones focus on long life

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Well... actually, I don't understand 360 mobile phone What's the attraction... I feel that there is no bright spot in the appearance design, and the system optimization is just like that... it's a bit cost-effective... Maybe someone thinks 360 is safe

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I'm afraid I was cheated by the cheap price when I bought 360 mobile phone It's really average. It's useless. It's better to buy a hammer~~

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I feel 360 mobile phone There's nothing worth buying. I can't compete with the price Red rice Compared with Xiaomi, the workmanship and appearance are inferior Nut pro2 and Magic Blue e3 Besides, 360's UI has no advantage over MIUI, Flyme and sos~~

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The newly launched 360 N7 is not bad, and its cost performance is also good. 360 has also found its own position, focusing on thousand yuan machines. It still has a market. I like the cost performance, but I'm tired of it Red rice If you like Meilan, you can try it. If you like the excellent UI, you should consider it

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Personally, I don't think much of 360 mobile phone Yes, but a mobile phone brand has survived and achieved good results so far, which has its own advantages, that is, the 1000 yuan mobile phone with high cost performance ratio. For example, the N7660 increased its memory, bought 1599, and Xiaomi 6 X Direct competition, as long as it is cheap, someone must buy it

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 How about 360 mobile phone? Which is the best 360 phone? Is 360 mobile phone cost-effective?

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