Is the 360 N6 Pro the most cost-effective mobile phone now?

Is the 360 N6 Pro the most cost-effective mobile phone now?
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Hello, everyone. I'm going to buy a new mobile phone recently. I heard that the new 360 N6 Pro is very good. How about the hardware configuration of 360 N6 Pro? Is the 360 N6 Pro worth buying? Is 360 N6 Pro the most cost-effective mobile phone now View All

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No, there are 7x and hammer. Sincerity may be left to the hammer this time.
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At present Nut pro2 Most cost-effective
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360 family barrels, would rather spend 100 more on hammers
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At present, it is 660 processor This is used by more than 4000 flagship computers of Jinli, and it is well optimized. The 2K full screen, 4000 mAh battery, 5.99 screen, and more than 1000 are almost no rivals
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Tell a joke. Xiaomi's photo stick
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The hardware is pretty good. I'm quite satisfied with both the Snapdragon 660 and the battery, but the 360 system is a little poor. There are many advertisements. I suggest buying a hammer or Xiaomi Meizu. Each has its advantages and disadvantages
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How to say? I think 360 has not been in the industry as long as Xiaomi, and its functions are not complete. Although the first floor is very detailed, I admit that I seldom use those functions, so different people have different opinions. I can only say that Xiaomi may be more comfortable to use, just representing my own opinion.
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Not recommended, actually ZUK Z2PRO and Millet 5s The cost performance ratio is higher, and the system optimization will be better. But it depends on your preference.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > 360 mobile phone > 360 mobile N6 Pro (4GB RAM/full > 360 N6 Pro is now the most cost-effective

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 Is the 360 N6 Pro the most cost-effective mobile phone now?

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