What are the obvious shortcomings of LeEco 2 mobile phones

What are the obvious shortcomings of LeEco 2 mobile phones
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LeEco 2 mobile phone The battery is terrible,
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LeEco's mobile phone The biggest disadvantage is that the system is cumbersome!


Great impact on normal use


It's not a big problem. Letv has sold more than tens of millions.

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alaxiba3 Editorial experts

Software class

I suggest the owner take a look first mobile phone The specific evaluation can help you better understand the specific situation of mobile phones.
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alaxiba3 Editorial experts

Software class

I suggest the owner take a look first mobile phone The specific evaluation can help you better understand the specific situation of mobile phones.
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The system optimization is not good enough. There are various small bugs. In addition, because the optimization is not good enough, the stability of some game FPS is not as good as that of other manufacturers' machines, but the problem is not serious and it is smooth.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > LeEco mobile phone > LeEco 2 (All Netcom) > What are the obvious shortcomings of LeEco 2 mobile phones


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 What are the obvious shortcomings of LeEco 2 mobile phones

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