The new Apple tablet, whose serial number DMPR9RKNG5WO cannot be found. Will I be cheated? Asking for help

The new Apple tablet, whose serial number DMPR9RKNG5WO cannot be found. Will I be cheated? Asking for help
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The serial number is invalid. It should be a black machine or a fake.

I found out. The last one is 0, not O

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This serial number is invalid. Please check the serial number and try again

It's a fake machine. Go to the shop to return it.


If you can't find out, it must be fake?


The last one is 0, not O, I found out


It can't be found that there is no warranty. Apple officials will not sell machines without warranty. Even the official machines will be guaranteed for one year. Apple's machines are expensive. A few repairs will be enough to buy a new one.

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 The new Apple tablet, whose serial number DMPR9RKNG5WO cannot be found. Will I be cheated? Asking for help

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