Who can help me install the Win8 system? Now it is the flagship version of Win762. Some people contact me

Who can help me install the Win8 system? Now it is the flagship version of Win762. Some people contact me
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lixu4217 Trainee expert

Hello, you need to go to Baidu, the website of Chinese cabbage, and then you need an 8G USB flash drive. Make a startup USB flash drive with Chinese cabbage, and then put the downloaded windows 8Chun in the USB flash drive. Restart the computer, and press the shortcut key to enter the startup disk


Can you help me? There is no USB flash drive. You can add QQ to tell me that you installed the system for me, 2746632281

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You can refer to this tutorial to install the system, How to install the system on a USB stick? In fact, the process of installing the system is basically the same as that of Win7. In addition to modifying the boot item, the BIOS also needs to change the mode. Find the "Boot" item, and then find the "Boot Mode" option under the item. Press the "Enter" key to open the setting menu of the option. Change the default "UEFI" of the option to "Legacy Support".
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wmz19921203 Trainee expert

Download the win7 32 image, use the floppy disk to write, boot the BIOS and use the USB flash disk to start, wait, finish

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jonah112 Trainee expert

It's very simple~you can download a WIN8 from the Internet~write the next PE into the USB disk~install it under the PE~

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 Who can help me install the Win8 system? Now it is the flagship version of Win762. Some people contact me

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