I5 3470 Can Asus B75M-A install GTX960

I5 3470 Can Asus B75M-A install GTX960
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qusen06 Distinguished experts

Installed hardware    Digital video

Whether the GTX960 graphics card can be installed is not related to the CPU motherboard, as long as there is a PCI-E interface on the motherboard, it can be installed.

It mainly depends on the rated power of your power supply. W CPU power consumption+graphics card power consumption+memory and hard disk power consumption. If the power consumption of various peripherals exceeds the rated power of your power supply, you cannot use it. Second, it depends on whether the power supply interface is a 6-pin interface or a 4-pin interface or a 6-pin interface or a 6-pin+8-pin interface? Generally, many power supplies have 6-pin interfaces or 6+2-pin interfaces.

The power supply interface of the graphics card GTX 960 is 6-pin and some are 6+6-pin. If the power supply cannot meet the power supply requirements, replace the power supply.

The power consumption of the computer can be calculated by Master Lu.

75M-A belongs to the 1155 interface of the previous generation. The boss has a unique interface.

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Hello, landlord, this is sure to be OK. The PCI-E interface has never been changed.

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No problem. The PCIE interface has not changed for years. The power of the whole machine is 200W, and even the power supply does not need to be moved.

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 I5 3470     Can Asus B75M-A install GTX960

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