Mainboard model Huaqing M3A-GLAN What model can be upgraded to

Mainboard model Huaqing M3A-GLAN What model can be upgraded to
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Main board model: Huaqing M3A-GLAN, which model can be upgraded to

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This also depends on your CPU model! The general upgrade is: MSI 785GTM-E45
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The motherboard of the AM3 socket can choose the X4 X6 series Yilong processor, but it is not recommended to choose the 125W version of the six core processor. The power consumption is too high, and the X4 645 X4 955 and other 95W processors are recommended.
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The motherboard AMD X4 955 95W version of the socket AM3 interface. The power supply looks average, and 125W six core 1090T is not recommended.

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No one goes to upgrade the motherboard. Generally, if the motherboard is replaced, it is more likely to buy a new computer!

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 Mainboard model Huaqing M3A-GLAN What model can be upgraded to

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