What is the processor 3.02GHz virtual memory setting

What is the processor 3.02GHz virtual memory setting
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This problem has nothing to do with the CPU frequency of the computer!

In fact, it has nothing to do with physical memory. Virtual memory is just a part of the hard disk that is used as virtual memory. It is only auxiliary to physical memory.

Generally, if the physical memory is large enough, the virtual memory can be handed over to the system management. However, it is generally set by individuals and will be set to disk d instead of disk c of the system.

As for the setting size, I used to set a relatively small minimum value, and then check whether the minimum value was too small during use. If so, increase the amount of the minimum value to a certain extent, and no longer prompt. That is the most appropriate value. The maximum value is generally set according to half or the same physical memory value.

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It doesn't matter if there are two. Don't set the virtual memory, just use the system default. This setting is used by many programs. Even if your memory is too large to use, you don't need to change it. If the program can't be found, it will report an error, causing many system problems.

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The size of virtual memory is not related to CPU, but related to memory. Generally, it is better to use the system management size. If you must set it manually, it can be set to 1 to 2 times the physical memory. If the physical memory is inherently large and cannot be exhausted, you can also disable the virtual memory

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 What is the processor 3.02GHz virtual memory setting

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