Which phone is better, Sony Ericsson MT15I, Motorola XT615.ME525

Which phone is better, Sony Ericsson MT15I, Motorola XT615.ME525
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lthedaee64 Trainee expert

MT15I。。MT15I, The MSM8255, which uses Qualcomm's improved scorpion architecture based on Cortex-A8, is currently in the mid tier. And the optimization is better than MOTO. The XT615 uses the new Cortex-A5 architecture processor - MSM7227a. This architecture focuses on power consumption, and its performance is only average, which is better than the low-end arm11 architecture... ME525, the weakest in the Cortex-A8 architecture (45nm level), is stronger than XT615.. But it is weaker than MSM8255 of Scorpion architecture.. As mentioned above, MOTO's two machines are inferior to MT15I in terms of Flash, Internet access, video decoding and games... Of course, the cost performance ratio is not as high as MT15I, and the official optimization is not as good as Sony Ericsson..
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The MT15I is relatively good. This model is the first to use Android 2.3 mobile phone And the photos are also clear, 8.1 million pixels
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Moto mobile phone > Moto ME525 (Defy/Diana) > Sony Ericsson MT15I, Motorola XT615


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 Which phone is better, Sony Ericsson MT15I, Motorola XT615.ME525

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