Have you ever used the Xiaomi router? Tell me about its performance? It's 699 yuan. It looks cool

Have you ever used the Xiaomi router? Tell me about its performance? It's 699 yuan. It looks cool
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Good TP Link! After all, he is an old brand and has been making routers for so many years. He is rich in technology and experience, right!

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It is basically a small entry NAS. It is very practical for those who like to hang up BT. After all, it takes 1T hardware, which is generally affordable. If it's just for Lu You, choose the one without hard disk.

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I bought more than 200. Two words, easy to use. The network is not disconnected. It is estimated that you will have no problem with more than 600
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 Have you ever used the Xiaomi router? Tell me about its performance? It's 699 yuan. It looks cool

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