V0ew1m homepage ZOL Q&A
2015-07-27 Answered the question

When you reach the top red circle, it will prompt you to jump off the plane. At this time, you can press F or enter the train and jump off.

2015-07-27 Answered the question

The battery problem of Sanyo recorder is that the battery should be taken out so as to protect the machine from being damaged by the battery for a long time

2015-01-06 Answered the question

It should be in the s note bar. The 4x4 should be a widget. You can find it by pressing the desktop or pressing the menu key to select and add a widget. You can go directly to the ROM bar or other forums. In fact, there are also some official websites. You can directly swipe the machine

2015-01-06 Answered the question

First root the phone, then install 360 Optimization Master, open the software, and there is a system in the middle to slim down. In fact, as long as the desktop or the underlying system is not moved, it will not have much impact

2015-01-06 Answered the question

This is a machine made by Asus, and it is a fake machine. On the screen of Taobao, it is a home-made BOE. The general price of a machine is not more than 50 yuan, but the overall price is 100 yuan. You can buy it yourself

2015-01-06 Answered the question

Serial Number: DNPJJ1Z2F8H2 Device Name: iPhone 5 Capacity: 16GB Color: Black Activation Status: Activated Phone Support: Not expired (January 30, 2016) Hardware Warranty: Not expired (January 30, 2016) Manufacturer: China Production Date: October 7, 2012 - October 13, 2012 This is a brand new machine Congratulations, you bought the genuine product

2015-01-06 Answered the question

The specific settings are as follows: Settings -- Application settings -- Call -- All calls -- Answer settings. Click Auto, and the setting time is 5 seconds. In this way, you can automatically answer with the headset.

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