Chinese domain name

Chinese domain name

Domain names containing Chinese characters are called Chinese domain names.
As a SEOer, when choosing a domain name, I sometimes have difficulty in choosing a Chinese domain name, right?
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Jiang Dongdong
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Can Chinese domain names be retrieved as keywords for display? Chinese domain name Indexes

<p>Recently, I was considering whether the website should use a Chinese domain name. When I searched Baidu, for example, search seo, the domain name with seo characters is marked in bold, which means that the domain name can be used as a keyword retrieved by the search engine</ p> <p>Then apply for a Chinese domain name related to the company's business and products

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Now there are three domain names bound to one website at the same time, the main domain name is, but sometimes for the convenience of me, I have bound two other domains, one is, because it is the end of com, they said it is easier to include it, and then for others to remember, I bound a Chinese domain name: mobile games CO……

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XDM Chinese domain name is still useful Domain name expires Chinese domain name

The Chinese domain name of XDM is still useful now. I was bored by the recent push of the Chinese domain name. I said that the Chinese domain name of my site will be renewed for 1000 yuan for 5 years when it expires, so please handle it quickly or it will be cancelled

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Will Chinese domain names never be included unless they are submitted? Station group Chinese domain name Old domain name Alibaba Cloud

Since I love your domain name activity costs 25 yuan a year, after several years of registration, I found that it was not included, even the home page was not included, so I couldn't prepare to sell it. Alibaba Cloud Western released it at a one-time price. The old domain name will be sold for 5 yuan in a few years before it expires. In the end or continue to sell, there is still a way to use the website group more power to let him collect

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The new station has just been built, and I want to ask you all whether Chinese domain names cannot be included Chinese domain name

The new website has just been built, and I want to ask you all whether Chinese domain names cannot be included. The website has English domain names,, but I also want to get a Chinese domain name. wants to ask whether the list is only in English? I don't know if it can be included

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Do Chinese domain name websites have the value of optimization? Webmaster Tools Chinese domain name ranking

A Chinese domain name website has been hung up for two years, without any optimization or update. It only includes three pages, without ranking. Now I want to do some optimization. Today, when I went to the webmaster tool to query, I was prompted that the URL was incorrect when I entered the URL. Do Chinese domain names have an optimized value

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How to optimize the Chinese domain name? After doing SEO for so long, it's the first time to encounter such a domain name Webmaster Tools Baidu webmaster tools Chinese domain name Website optimization

The domain name of a newly taken over company's website optimization is actually Chinese, www. Yidian Yidi. com. I have never encountered such a domain name. Even Baidu webmaster tools can't be bound. Can you give me some guidance on how to optimize such a website? Urgent

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I want to ask, do many people do Chinese domain names? Domain name expires Chinese domain name

The leader suddenly showed me a notice of the expiration of a Chinese domain name, and then I knew that I was working on a Chinese domain name, and I also made a company word. 0_0. It's too wasteful. It would be nice to be a word with great industry vagrancy Do you think it is necessary to do a Chinese domain name

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Chinese domain name is not easy to optimize Chinese domain name Site

My friends, I have a Chinese domain name in my hand, which has been optimized for nearly two months. I update three articles every day, all of which are original, but they are not included except for the site website. I'm worried. Is it really hard to get a Chinese domain name website? Have you encountered similar problems again

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Is there a god to exchange friendship links, find a reliable point, and change the whole station Friendly Links Chinese domain name JS

What I do is a local matchmaking website in Tianjin. This domain name has only been used for more than three months, but the other domain name (Chinese domain name) I used before, and the Chinese domain name has two words in the top 20. I just made 301 today, and it will take effect soon. At present, 32 are included, and the weight will soon reach 1. I usually send leaflets