New station online

New station online

What preparations should be made before the new website goes online? What do you do? What should I pay attention to
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Li Guohui
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seven hundred and seventy-four problem
forty-seven browse

Is the home page of the new station included by Baidu in five days normal? Included by Baidu New station online

Today is the fifth day for the new station to go online. The query found that several pages have been included, but the home page has been included and the inside page has not changed. What is the reason? The new station has included the home page but not the inside page. It's really distressing. How can I better improve the weight of the inside page and let the inside page be included

eighty-five browse

How long does the new station rank up when it is launched? New station online ranking

The website has been launched for operation optimization, and now there is no increase and update of various data. How long has the general new station been recognized by Baidu when it was launched, and it began to climb up the rankings to see the effect? Now my site has been online for almost a week, and after submitting it, I will wait for Baidu to review and pass it early. Do you want to update it every day at this time

forty-eight browse

The new station only included the home page for two weeks. What's the matter? New station online

The new website has been online for two weeks, but the home page of the website has not been included at all. Seeing that the internal page has not changed and increased, I am very worried. When the home page has been included many times, the internal page has not been included. What is the reason? Why does the website update the internal page again and again

seventy-two browse

How long does the new station go online? Website inclusion New station online article

What are the ways to submit to Baidu? What methods can be submitted? How long will the website be included after being submitted? How can the website be included quickly? Can data be viewed within three days after submission? Thanks for your guidance on how to submit a new website to Baidu for approval. How many articles are updated by the new station every day? Is it better to update regularly

ninety-two browse

How long does Baidu need to display a new station? Included by Baidu New station online

My new website has been online for half a month, but it has not been included by Baidu. Now there is a volume of content on the home page. What is the problem that my new website has not been included for half a month? Why is the new website not included for so long? How long is it generally included by Baidu? How can I improve the number of entries? How can websites be included day by day

one hundred and ninety-nine browse

How many days has Baidu included the new website of the old domain name? Included by Baidu New station online Old domain name

How long has the old domain name been included and recognized by Baidu? Does the old domain name and new site have the weight to pass the review period of Baidu earlier? How can we better improve the fast review period and let the website pass and be recognized earlier? My website just bought the old domain name, and the new site has been established for more than ten days now. How can I optimize it

two hundred and forty browse

How long has Baidu passed the review period for the new station? New station online

The new site has been online for a long time, and Baidu has not released it yet. There is no change or volume. How long can Baidu release and pass the review period for the new site? How can I optimize the new site to see the effect? How can the new station gain Baidu's recognition? My site has been in review status for one month

one hundred and sixteen browse

Baidu for the new station is not strict? Included by Baidu New station online Home page not included

My home page was included by Baidu shortly after my new site was launched. The problem is that the inside page is not included. It has been included several times because the home page does not have the amount of the inside page. What is the situation that Baidu is not strict with the new site? Is it only included the home page but not the inside page, or Baidu did not fully release it? How long will it take me to continue to optimize the new site to see the results? I think hundred

one hundred and thirty browse

How to submit site collection information to Baidu? New station online

Soon after a new site is launched, it needs to submit its own site information to Baidu for the first time. What can be submitted to improve the best? What are the good ways to submit a new site to Baidu? My station has completed all data, so I will wait for Baidu to give me some help. Thank you for your advice

eighty-two browse

Help, a new station that has not included the home page New station online Friendly chain

On February 23, the new station was launched. At the beginning of March, the title was changed once. During this period, it was updated every day. In March, it was stopped for half a month because of a leave. After work, it was updated every day. It was sent out of the chain, and also has a friend exchange chain. It was submitted voluntarily (the site map did not know why, so it was not submitted). Recently, it fed back to the appeal, and the home page was confiscated. Now there is really no way. Is it big

one hundred and three browse

How many external links does the new station release one day? New station online article

On the second day after a new website goes online, it has also been submitted. At the initial stage of the new website optimization, several article updates are published one day. On average, how are several external links published every day? Where can we publish external links? Does the new station need too many external links? There is still a fixed number. What skills can be released in the external chain? How can the new station optimize better

seventy-eight browse

How can a new website submit links effectively? New station online ranking

A new site needs to submit a link soon after it goes online. What skills can be submitted to Baidu? How to submit the link to my site for the first time has started to be optimized. How long will Baidu spend its review period? Does Baidu now favor the new site? How good is the new station to be optimized? How long can we see the ranking? What are the best methods for optimizing the new station

one hundred and sixteen browse

What should we do if the new station does not include the inside page of the home page soon after it goes online? Included by Baidu New station online

Is the weight of the inside page of the website not as high as that of the home page? Why has the inside page not been included by Baidu all the time? The home page has already started to be included. Is it still a new station for a month and a half? Why does the website update time and time again without the inclusion of the inner page? Everything else is normal. I can't find the reason through inquiry and analysis. What should I do to optimize it comprehensively

one hundred and twenty browse

How long does the website 301 transfer weight to take effect? 301 Redirect New station online 301 Jump Jump

The website has set 301 jump, but the effect is still not seen after one week of setting. How long does the 301 transfer weight take effect on general websites? Will the 301 redirect of the website affect the old site after it takes effect? My old station is OK, but my new station has been online for half a month, and it has no effect, so I have to do 301. How can I better maintain a station and make it effective earlier

one hundred and sixty browse

Is it better for the new station to update several articles every day? New station online ranking article

How can a new website get a good ranking, so that keywords rank first on the first page? On the fifth day when a new website goes online, it starts to update the content normally. It is better to keep several articles updated one day. How to update the website, how to update the articles on the website with good quality, and what precautions and precautions should be taken for the optimization of new websites? How to better improve the home page of ranking

one hundred and forty-one browse

How many days has Baidu included the new website of the old domain name? New station online Old domain name

The new site is built with the old domain name. Now the new site has been online for three days, and still has little effect. How many days does Baidu start to collect an old domain name and a new site, and how can I optimize a new site? Can I improve the collection of the website in a short time, and how long will it take to see the effect? Thank you for your guidance

one hundred and thirty browse

How long does the new station spend Baidu's review period? New station online

How long is the review period of Baidu for the new station after the new station goes online? How can we spend the review period of Baidu better, improve the traffic weight of the new station, and let the new station pass the review earlier? How to pass the review period earlier? Do new websites need to submit links to Baidu? How can I better wait for Baidu to pass the review earlier

one hundred and thirty-seven browse

How long is the review period for the launch of a new station? New station online article

The new station has been online for the fifth day. Generally, how long does a new station pass the review period of the new station, so that Baidu can recognize the increase of data earlier, how to do better at the initial stage of the new station, how to optimize the new station to update several articles every day, how to better improve the data collection of the new station? Is it easy for Baidu to review the new station? How to effectively add content, please give us some advice on the optimization of new stations

one hundred and thirty browse

How to submit a new website to Baidu for the first time? New station online Indexes

How to submit your website to Baidu for the first time? On the third day of the launch of the new site, we need to submit it now. Baidu will have its approval included after submission. How can we submit it correctly? What can we submit to the search engine to allow Baidu to recognize and be included earlier? How much content is updated by the new station every day

ninety-three browse

How many keywords can a website optimize? Target keywords Increase traffic New station online ranking

After the launch of a new website, we need to optimize a few keywords, a few target keywords are appropriate, how can we better optimize a website, how can I improve in the early stage of the website, what can I improve the optimization skills, and optimize a new website to Baidu's home page. Baidu doesn't have high requirements for new websites, is it easy to rank and improve traffic? My station has just started. I hope to start operation management earlier

one hundred and thirty-six browse

How many articles should be updated every day at the initial stage of the new station? New station online Update article article

A new website has not been launched for a long time, but it has not passed the review period of Baidu. At the beginning of the new website, it began to optimize. How many articles should a new website keep updating every day, how many articles are appropriate, how to update the best articles, how to update the best articles every day, and how to improve the quality of the content of the articles, all of which need to be written by yourself. How many words should the articles keep the best

one hundred and four browse

Is it normal that the new station only included the home page in two weeks? Increase traffic New station online

A new station has been online for some time. In the past two weeks, Baidu has only included the home page, and it is normal that the inside page has not been included at all? How to improve the website's collection, how to improve the traffic of new stations, what can be optimized, and how to improve the effect of new stations? Thank you for your advice

one hundred and fifty-one browse

How many articles should be updated every day at the initial stage of the new station? Website updates New station online article

How many articles are kept updated every day when the new station is launched, how to keep updated articles, and what type of updates with keywords are best? How long will it take to see the number of articles included after the website is updated? How can we improve the number of articles included so that articles can be displayed quickly? How can we update articles to improve the quality of articles so that new sites can take effect earlier? What are the optimization skills of the new station

one hundred and eight browse

How to submit a new website for the first time? Included by Baidu New station online Indexes

On the first day when the new site was launched, it began to submit. After the new site was submitted, it was included by Baidu. How did the new site submit Baidu to the search engine successfully for the first time? What is a good way to submit a new website? How to submit the website link to Baidu

one hundred and forty-five browse

How many articles does a new station keep updating every day? New station online article

A new station has been online for half a month. I keep my original articles every day, which are written word for word by myself. I update 2-3 articles every day. How many articles should you update every day at the beginning of the new station? How many articles can be updated to see the results of the website, and how to update the website? What is the optimization plan for the new station? Thank you for your advice

one hundred and twenty-one browse

How can a new website submit a URL link? New station online Indexes

After the new site goes online, you need to submit the url link to the search engine so that it can be recognized by the search engine and effective. How do you submit the method for the first time? How long will it take to submit the link to see the effect? Is the link submitted for the first time at the initial stage of the new site finished? After the submission is successful, can you view it? How can I see whether the submission is successful

one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six browse

How many new stations include in a day? Included in new station Station optimization New station online

It has been a week since a new station went online. How much of the new station's coverage remains appropriate, and how much is within the normal range. How can the new station improve its coverage, and how much is the best coverage for an average day? How can I maintain the preliminary work of the new station and optimize the work content in the station? How about updating two or three articles every day

one thousand four hundred and seventy browse

Is Baidu not strict with the new station? New station online ranking

One of my new stations started to see the effect on the third day after it was launched. The new station has a ranking point for the number of entries. Is it easy to optimize the new station to the home page because Baidu is not strict with the new station? At present, the situation is relatively good. How to optimize a new station? It is also the first time for me to optimize a website. I am very happy that the initial stage of the new website will be effective. Will it continue to rise like this

two thousand one hundred and forty-seven browse

How many days has Baidu included the new website of the old domain name? Included by Baidu New station online Old domain name

How long is the new site of the old domain name generally included by Baidu, and how long will it take for Baidu to recognize that the old domain name has the weight to be included early after it has achieved success? How can I improve the collection of new old domain names? The old domain names I bought have now been launched. Today is the third day. How can I optimize the new old domain names? Thank you for your suggestions

one thousand four hundred and thirty-one browse

Baidu for the new station is not strict? New station online

Baidu is not strict for the new station now? Now Baidu is not as strict as before. It is relatively good for new stations. The new station has been recognized by Baidu and has had an effect. Now Baidu is really good, much better than before. On the third day of online, we saw the effect. The included traffic has also increased significantly. This is Baidu's low requirements for new stations. It's really good. It's also good. Please

one thousand four hundred and fifty-four browse

How can the new station improve the traffic weight? Lifting flow New station online

A new website has been online for half a month, but there is still no traffic weight, and the current website weight can not go up. How to improve the website weight? How long does a new website pass the Baidu review period, and increase the traffic weight more, and now no traffic can be increased through those optimizations? Is it good to maintain and optimize the new station? Thank you for answering the questions

five hundred and eighty-six browse

How can new stations be optimized to improve their ranking? Increase ranking New station online ranking

After the new station goes online, it needs to be submitted. How to better optimize a new station, how to better optimize in the early stage, what methods can be optimized, how to better improve the traffic in the station, how to optimize the website in the early stage, what skills should be mastered, how to optimize the website, generally, it has been updated every day, and there are many updates, how do we need to improve faster

four hundred and ninety-six browse

How to submit a new website to Baidu for the first time? New station online

After the new website goes online, we need to submit it. How to submit it to Baidu for the first time? How is it right to submit it? What are the submission methods? How do we need to submit the website link to Baidu? Can we find out after submitting it? If submitted successfully, will Baidu recognize the number of entries