Lu Jiajun
Excellent topic respondents
one hundred and two problem
four thousand five hundred and thirty-nine browse

Baidu, the game station, does not include new content. Do you have the same partner recently Content not included

Baidu, the game station, does not include new content. Recently, do you have the same partners? 1. The curve is very good. 2. The traffic is also rising. The first batch of stations have been up for two months. One new content is not included in the second batch of stations. Just about one month. One new content is not included in the second batch of stations. If you know a webmaster, you can add my QQ to discuss the solution together. I highly suspect that artificial intervention last year

one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight browse

The website has done a K row for a short period of time, and the data is very good. In June, the data was lost. How can we optimize it Content not included Core word Ranking

The website had a K row for a short time, and the data was very good. In June, the data fell out (there was no K row later) and was invalid. However, the home page was not demoted, and the core words were always in the first place, but the content published later was not included. How to optimize the next step? Ask the boss for advice

nine hundred and thirty-six browse

The website is updated 3 times a day, and the content quality is also good. Why not include it? Content not included

My website,, has been updating every day for some time. There are also complaints about Baidu's feedback, but it is very slow to include. In addition to not including the content updated every day, there are only two or three column pages, and the rest are not included. What's a good way

nine hundred and fifty-five browse

What if the content of the old station is not included or released? Content not included article Friendly chain

I have been standing for a long time, but it was closed in seconds at the beginning of this year, and only 3 of the 10 articles I wrote recently may be released. The frequency of spider visits is OK, and some articles are received every second, but some words that are highly competitive or have more relevant content on the site are not released or received at all. How should they be broken? Industry related issues, articles written can only copy professional ones, resulting in everyone's content is not poor

seven hundred and thirty-five browse

The website is collected, so the content of your website is not included.... Content not included

My website is half dead and half alive now, and has been collected. Usually, my peers have collected the hair chain, but none of my official website has included it. This has led to my becoming a plagiarism station, and the site has been abandoned for a long time. What should we do in such a situation?,,, 5555555

six hundred and ninety browse

What are the reasons for not including website content? Welcome to the guidance of Souwai Content not included article

The articles published in recent days have not been included, I don't know why? I found several reasons myself: 1. The website has high similarity of content, high similarity of titles, and duplication of content, but not much duplication; 2. The density of titles, that is, keywords, is not high, about 3%; 3. The website has not sent out links recently

one thousand and thirty-one browse

Website has not included, keywords and included have been falling. Website inclusion Content not included

<p>The new content is not included, and the website's inclusion has been falling down, without words, and without keywords. It's useless to submit the external chain every day. All the people who visit the website are snapshot advertisements, which are switched from power 2 to 0. What's the problem? Who can save the child? It's like crying. Website: www.zzzyls. com</p&g

eight hundred and thirty-six browse

Identification of spiders in the leased secondary directory Content not included

We rented a secondary directory, and the IP address of the other party was (fake, randomly written). Then we found many fake spiders of this IP address in the process of running the program, which reached about 50 times a second, resulting in a high occupancy of server CPU, as follows: 2021-06-27 00:00:54 GET/d

six hundred and eighteen browse

How to solve the problem of stopping the collection due to website revision? Website revision Content inclusion Content not included

Every page of the website has been changed. After the revision, it was found that a lot of content was stopped and a lot of content was not included. How can I solve this problem? It is the page was not included because of the revision. I still optimize it as before, but the content is not the same as before. How can I solve this problem

seven hundred and twenty-two browse

How to remedy a large number of website collections that lead to spiders not coming to grab? Content not included

The website lacks content, so I can't do all the original work, so I collected some content. As a result, the current content is not included, spiders do not come to the website to crawl, and a large number of content is not included or crawled. I am very depressed. How can I remedy it? I have stopped collecting

seven hundred and forty-three browse

Let's see how to optimize our website Website demotion Content not included

Because our website has made many sub domains, and the content is homogeneous, but the operation director has made adjustments and feedback to Baidu. Recently, the website authority has been lowered through Baidu's feedback and said that our website has a lot of homogeneous and collected content. I want to ask God how do I adjust and optimize our website now? The original content of the current post is not included, and has been collected by many websites

nine hundred and fifty-one browse

How to deal with the non inclusion of content caused by massive collection of websites? Content not included

The website was collected before, but now it has not been collected. At that time, there was a shortage of time. One person was responsible for the original content of multiple stations, and sometimes it was collected. But the quality of collection was really low, so he gave up collecting. Now, a lot of content on the website is not included. How to deal with it caused by collection

one thousand three hundred and two browse

Which is the most powerful domain name with or without www? Content not included Secondary domain name

One is the secondary domain name, and the other is the main domain name. Why is my station secondary domain name included, but not the main domain name? An said that the main domain name should be better! Which is the most powerful domain name with or without www? Which do you think is better

one thousand and ninety-three browse

What should we do if the content of the article is not included due to the revision of the website? Website updates Website revision Content not included article

Last month, due to the problems of the website itself, the website page was revised and the title was changed. Now, the updated content of the website is not included. This is my website How soon can this situation be restored, and what can be done to improve the inclusion, know how, and reward

one thousand and seventy-one browse

Do you want to give up the domain name of the past two years Content not included

The domain name has been stopped for nearly two years, and it has been stopped for nearly half a year. At present, the weight has always been 1, which is very stable. However, there is a problem with the website, that is, new content is not included. It was stopped because of this problem. Is it necessary to continue to renew the domain name now? Maybe one day I want to continue to update it