Old websites

Old websites

Old websites, why are some websites in good condition, and some websites have no weight traffic even though they were established very early?
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Lu Zhijian
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three hundred and eighty-four problem
two hundred and twenty-one browse

The old website has collected a lot of information, but there was no tdk set at that time. A month ago, the relevant information was modified, and the information that has been included has been fed back to Baidu for many times Website inclusion Old websites

The old website has collected a lot of information, but no tdk was set at that time. A month ago, the relevant information was modified. The feedback of the information that has been included has not changed to the modified title for many times. Is there any magic way

six hundred and seventy-three browse

One day, the homepage of an old website was hacked, and the next day it replied, but the authority of the website was downgraded, and the website data was unavailable, but Baidu Site Old websites Indexes

One day, the home page of an old website was hacked, and the next day it replied, but it was demoted, and the first page could not be found, and the site data was also missing. However, Baidu webmaster tool found that the index has been growing recently. What's the matter? In short, the index has been rising, but there is no data out of the site. Never met this situation, do you know? Website:

one thousand four hundred and fifty-six browse

Ten year old website, was demoted after 4.6, the key words were cleared, kneel down and beg God for help, thank you! Keyword ranking Old websites ranking

Before April, I found that there was something wrong with the website, and the keyword ranking declined. Szzzting, a ten year old travel website. com, Ranking has always been high, I didn't care too much. After April 6, the keyword ranking suddenly disappeared, and the weight also dropped to 0, but the inclusion is still in progress. Recently, I thought of various ways, but I still couldn't find a way, so I begged God for help, and I'm grateful

two hundred and sixty-seven browse

How to set the website 301 jump? Old websites Jump Indexes

301 jump has little impact on the search engines of old websites. What can we do to solve the problems of old websites and avoid problems? That is, old websites set 301 redirects to transfer traffic to new websites. Does it have any impact on our old websites? How can I optimize and set 301 redirect? How do you set 301 redirect

nine hundred and forty-nine browse

Baidu resource platform: this site is of low quality and cannot be added temporarily. Please continue to optimize before trying Old websites Baidu resource platform article

The old website has been well maintained. No AI or collection, manual modification or original articles. Recently, it was suddenly deleted by Baidu resource platform and became a low-quality site. The collection is also missing. What is the situation? How to remedy it

one thousand and ninety-three browse

Ask the boss, can a website that has been built for a period of time be directly used to build a new website Old websites ranking article

I have a question. I want to ask all the big shots in the jar. The situation is as follows: I started a website at the beginning of the year, and it has been six months. Now it has a weight of 2, hundreds of words. But I don't think this industry makes money. I want to change the industry directly. I just have a project in hand. I think so: I want to directly change the industry of the website that has been built for half a year, and the title of the website content is straight

six hundred and forty-four browse

Will multiple websites on the server affect the optimization of the original website? Enterprise station Old websites Alibaba Cloud code

Recently, the company plans to build several official websites (about three) on one server; The server is Alibaba Cloud's server; New enterprise station, program code. Net is not an open source website template; Excuse me, do you think this will affect the old websites? Does it have a big impact

five hundred and fifty-six browse

There is an old website ready to change the industry. The inclusion is OK, and there are also one or two keywords. It has been nearly two years. How can we make full use of it if we change it? Old websites

There is an old website ready to change the industry. The inclusion is OK, and there are also one or two keywords. It has been nearly two years. How can we make full use of it if we change it

four hundred and sixty-eight browse

How long can 301 redirect be included? 301 Redirect Old websites Jump

How come after the old station is reset from 301, the collection of the old website stops. How long will the new station see the effect? How to make 301 redirect to a stable page? What is the impact of 301 redirect to the old station? How does it lead to a decline in the number of subscriptions? Is there any problem with 301

one thousand four hundred and eighteen browse

In addition to updating content every day and making links at ordinary times, what else should the old website do Friendly Links Old websites Friendly chain

My website has been more than two years. In addition to updating, I usually do nothing. Do I need other operations.... Previously, when I changed the friendship links, they were dropped by the other party for a while without saying anything. Some of them also collected me in turn, so now the friendship links are not changed

four hundred and forty browse

301 Redirect Jump Traffic Decline What's the Matter? 301 Redirect Old websites Jump

One month after the 301 redirect was set up, I found that the traffic of the website has dropped sharply since the setting up, but now it is still very serious. How can I stabilize the traffic? Is it related to the 301 redirect setting that caused the traffic of the old website to drop? How is it usually solved

one thousand one hundred and eighty-six browse

The old website was demoted, and the website was not included in the direct search. The feedback said that it was over optimized. How to solve it? Over optimization Old websites

<p>The old website has been demoted, the direct search of the website has not been included, and the full title of the search is not on the home page. The feedback result is: Hello, the main problem of the current site is that the quality of the website does not match the search effect. The website should not over optimize the search ranking, please refer to https://ziyuan.baidu Com/college/cou……

five hundred and sixty-two browse

Old station, the key words of the attendance system used to be on the first page, but now they are on the fifth and sixth pages. What's the problem? Old websites

For example, the old website www.daytime.cc, which has been used for 6 or 7 years, used to be the first page of the website with the keyword "attendance system", and we only use this keyword. Now it is always on page 5 or 6, and the second page is difficult to access. I don't know where the problem is

one thousand and thirty-four browse

Every day, I have to receive a lot of sales calls for the K rank keyword. What is its ranking principle? Do you dare to use the old enterprise websites? Old websites Ranking ranking

Recently, the real phone calls were almost broken, and they recommended me to the company www.qiangtaijidian. Com's website makes K row. It's very simple to hear from them. I just need to register and recharge on their K row tool platform, and then wait for the ranking. Only when the keywords are on the home page can the fees be deducted. At present, there is not a certain amount of money for each word

one thousand and eighty-three browse

After the website is revised, the domain name is consistent, and the directory and content page URL are revised. How to do 301? Website revision Old websites Jump

The domain name of my old website is: www.olibri. Com.Cn/col/tech.html Go to www.colibri. Com。Cn/list_20, How should I do 301??? Please tell me the detailed operation steps. There are more than 20000 pages of the old website. How can we best jump

eight hundred and twenty-two browse

The replacement of the old and new domain names always prompts that part of the domain name is being revised Old domain name Old websites

The replacement of new and old domain names has always prompted that part of the revision is in progress. 301 has been done to solve the domain name of the old website. The new website has the same address information except for different domain names

eight hundred and ninety-six browse

The website has upgraded its program, and it has been nearly a year since 360 Search included dozens of articles. What's the matter? Old websites 360 Search

<p>Old website www.hlshiyou. After Com upgraded the program, the content previously included by 360 was gone. It was almost a year after the upgrade that 360 Search included dozens of articles. What's the matter? Please tell me how to solve the problem. I hope the knowledgeable teacher can give me some advice. Thank you</ p><p>&l……