URL Structure

URL Structure

For website seo optimization, when designing websites, we need to clearly optimize and control the url structure of our websites, such as the naming rules of urls, the hierarchy of urls, and the standardization of urls. These are some issues that search engines need to pay attention to when capturing and collecting web pages in the later stage.
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How is Baidu's high weight website refined? User experience URL Structure ranking Indexes

The refining of Baidu's high weight website is a long-term and systematic process, involving various aspects of optimization and maintenance. Here are some key steps and strategies to help websites gain high weight on Baidu search engine: 1** Content quality * *: creating high-quality and original content is the foundation. The content should be valuable, meet user needs, and be updated regularly. 2.……

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301 jump has been made on the homepage of the website, and the result shows that there will be a primary domain name URL Structure 301 Jump Jump

Before the website, the whole url structure was chaotic, the page content structure was too simple, and then the version was revised, but the old url and the new url had 301 jumps. At this stage, there are still pages before the jump in the display of search results, how to break them

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How to deal with a large number of 403 caused by spiders grabbing the date directory? Robots URL Structure

The content generation URL structure contains the date directory:/20150513/id.html. The directory cannot be accessed. The 403 message is reported. The website has no entrance, but the log finds that spiders are crawling a large number of date directories. How to deal with this situation? Robots cannot be used, and the dead link can only be submitted continuously? thank you! - ……

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After the network generated url structure is static, it has not been included for 20 days. Hot suggestions URL Structure Collection rate static state

Previously, the website url was dynamic, which was not well included but was available every day, with an average inclusion rate of about 30% every day. Now, the website url has been adjusted to static. It has been 20 days since the website was not included. The website map, off-site links, and friend chains have all been done, but the effect is not good. Do you have a look at it with the help of God. cnrjw.cn……

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The newly purchased domain name, which has been included, should be modified to the same URL structure or 301, which is better? Baidu Update URL Structure four hundred and four

The newly purchased domain name, which has been included, should be modified to the same URL structure or 301, which is better? For example, tens of thousands of links have been included in the domain name purchased in the following format: http://www.xxx.com/123.html I'm now working as a website, right? The url structure is set as well as the original one (this way, open the included content from Baidu, won't

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The newly purchased domain name, which has been included, should be modified to the same URL structure or 301, which is better? URL Structure four hundred and four

The newly purchased domain name, which has been included, should be modified to the same URL structure or 301, which is better? I'm now working as a website, right? The url structure is set as well as the original one (so that if you open the included content from Baidu, it will not be 301 or 404, that is, the page content will change)

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Can someone help you check this station? Used vue framework, server-side rendering URL Structure Site Index amount ranking

The biz.kuangsky.comsite result has been declining, from 200 to 18. The number of indexes has also been declining, and the ranking has not dropped. I have not encountered a site using the vue framework before the recent modification of the url structure, which is a bit tricky

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Tips for SEO optimization of mobile websites Robots URL Structure PC website article

1、 Domain name and robots settings. 1. The domain name should be as short and easy to remember as possible. The domain name of most mobile websites is the secondary domain name of PC websites. Of course, this is also very good. It is consistent with traditional websites and makes users trust it more. But if it is a special mobile website, it is better to have a short and easy to remember domain name. For example, Baidu recommends that you start with m

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Website url structure problem URL Structure

Example: List page url: www.xxx. com/clothing brand/www.xxx. com/pants brand/details page url: www.xxx. com/clothing brand/XX brand clothing details page. html www.xxx. com/pants brand/XX brand pants details page. html Comparison list page url: w

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Tips for SEO optimization of mobile websites Robots URL Structure PC website article

1、 Domain name and robots settings. 1. The domain name should be as short and easy to remember as possible. The domain name of most mobile websites is the secondary domain name of PC websites. Of course, this is also very good. It is consistent with traditional websites and makes users trust it more. But if it is a special mobile website, it is better to have a short and easy to remember domain name. For example, Baidu recommends starting with m

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There is a ranking, and the URL has changed. Does ranking affect? Hot suggestions URL Structure ranking

The ranking has gone up. These days, the programmer said to optimize the URL structure. Afraid of affecting the ranking. For example, "the current domain name URL structure is/wenzhang/id/123", "the changed URL structure is/wenzhang/123", and the middle ID is removed. Does it affect ranking? How can it not affect? How to make a safe transition

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Website revision: www XX.com/1.html→www. 20. Com/directory name/1.html How to mention Website revision URL Structure

We plan to change the domain name. There is no directory name in the previous URL structure, so we plan to add the directory name to the old URL: www 20. Com/1.html New URL: www 20. Com/directory name/1.html How should I submit revision rules for revision

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How to improve the click rate after the successful construction and development of Chengdu website? URL Structure micro-blog Facebook Click rate

5: I77 Z33Z 37O7 Ways to improve the click rate of new websites: 1. The TitleTitle tag must contain two or three keywords and be closely related to the website theme. The title of the website should not be too long, generally 28 characters long. And the key work we need to do is how to choose to attract users

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Changes affecting website seo 301 Redirect URL Structure four hundred and four ranking

1. The changes of tdk and Tdk are relatively common, and small-scale changes will not have much impact. If this is a large-scale change, such as the change of a large number of pages and the large-scale replacement of keywords, it may lead to a decline in the ranking of keywords, which will lead to a decline in traffic. 2. The change of website domain name may have a great impact

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Website url structure planning URL Structure Secondary domain name B2B

The company is a food adhesive b2b platform, and the website domain name is http://www.shiyongjiao.cn/ (Chuanglian Food Gum Website), leaders require the following three words: 1. Colloid topic words, such as gelatin, carrageenan (note: our website is called Chuanglian Food Gum Website, food gum is a general term, and food gum includes gelatin, carrageenan, xanthan

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Can my website be saved? Website revision Included by Baidu URL Structure

The domain name has been six or seven years. The website content has collected many low quality articles before, but Baidu has collected thousands of pieces of information. Now the website has been revised, and the URL structure has also changed. Now we update high-quality original articles every day, but what's the matter if we haven't included them all the time? https://www.wumingland.com/ ……

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What are the main things of website internal chain optimization? User experience Anchor text Nofollow URL Structure

The internal optimization of a website mainly includes: url structure, reducing hierarchical relationships and flattening as far as possible; Top/side navigation/bottom navigation/breadcrumb navigation to increase user experience; Website internal search box; Anchor text links to internal and external sites (nofollow); The previous, next and relevant recommendations of the content page; Is there anything else to add

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Advisory post: About website URL structure revision URL Structure

About a year ago, a website in the charge of other colleagues made a URL structure revision, making the secondary channel into a column page. Now, more than a year ago, the following situations are normal, I don't know whether they are normal. Please help the gods to have a look. For example, a secondary channel xxxx.xxx.com is revised to WW 30. COM/XXXX/where xxx