Webmaster Platform

Webmaster Platform

It is a professional information platform serving webmasters and websites, and it is our responsibility to provide services for webmasters and websites. Provide comprehensive webmaster information, webmaster transaction intermediary services, webmaster tools, website building source software download and other services
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Chen Hongran
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one thousand three hundred and twenty-five problem
two hundred and ninety-seven browse

There is no record of spider crawling in the website log, but what is the matter that the webmaster platform has crawling frequency? Have spiders ever been here Website Log Webmaster Platform

The downloaded website log IP analysis shows that there is no spider to crawl. But what's the matter when you see the daily crawl frequency of about 10 times on the webmaster platform? Why can't you see the crawl record of Baidu Spider in the website log

three hundred and thirty-three browse

Baidu webmaster background prompt: the current site filing subject is inconsistent with the actual content Webmaster Platform Included in new station keep on record

The website (www.bijihotpot. com) has been online for more than a month and has not been included yet. Feedback on the Baidu webmaster platform about the inclusion of the new site, and the result directly prompts: the current site filing subject is inconsistent with the actual content, what is the matter? How can the website be included? Under the guidance of the gods

one hundred and twenty-seven browse

The spider pool has been used, and Baidu spiders have come, but the frequency curve captured by the webmaster platform has not increased Webmaster Platform Spider Pool

Zb station uses spider pool, and Baidu spiders come. Many of them are 220116 spiders. I can see that the number of spiders in the. 116 and 220 sections has increased significantly in the blog and the spider plug-in in the background of zb. Nslookup is also a Baidu spider. However, the capture frequency of the previous day on the webmaster platform remains unchanged. Excuse me, why is this? Station Chief Ping

one hundred and seventy-eight browse

The website uses a spider pool, which is collected every day. However, the grabbing frequency curve of the webmaster platform did not rise significantly. What's going on here Webmaster Platform Spider Pool

Several of my stations that haven't been included for a long time have used the Spider Pool, and all of them have been included, and they still collect daily. But the capture frequency of the webmaster's platform has not increased significantly. What's the matter? It's been several days since then, won't the display be delayed? Is it the effect of spider pool that the website becomes daily revenue

two hundred and three browse

Baidu webmaster platform prompts that the website involves Huang Kangmin, and the website name issued by the Ministry of Public Security is blacklisted Webmaster Platform Website is hacked

I would like to ask whether this situation is that the website is not likely to be restored, and the mechanical and indifferent response of Baidu platform has been in trouble. As such a large company, people in these specific positions do not help solve the problem from the user's point of view. They just mix the company's salary day by day. What can you do

two thousand five hundred and twenty-eight browse

Three methods for quick collection of websites? You know what works best Webmaster Platform Content update Included by Baidu ranking

Inclusion is the premise for websites to participate in ranking. Therefore, the first problem for ranking is to solve the problem of inclusion, especially for a new website. There are three ways to solve the problem: 1. The website is consistent with Baidu's inclusion, which can refer to the official white paper. 2. Keep the content updated and fresh, and actively submit to the webmaster platform. 3. Find official feedback: https://www.jia ……

one thousand four hundred and seventy-nine browse

Does the site benefit from interpenetration? What's the meaning of this Webmaster Platform article

<p>The website now has no API push quota, so I feedback on the webmaster platform, and then the customer service replied that what sites have benefited from interspersing, I don't know what the meaning is, he gave me two article links, please also ask the big guy to give me some advice</p><p></p>

one thousand six hundred and seventy-nine browse

Can Baidu webmaster platform submit links manually now Webmaster Platform

<p>Can Baidu webmaster platform submit links manually now?, I used to have express receipt permission, but now I don't have it. I can't submit the website map or submit it manually. I don't know what the situation is</ p>……

one thousand two hundred and sixty-three browse

Baidu webmaster platform crawl diagnosis after crawling the website note (there is a jump) What is the situation? Webmaster Platform Jump

<p>Due to the website www.yanxuan123.. Com has not included it for a long time, but has carried out capture detection on Baidu webmaster platform. The IP address is correct, and the status code in the returned http request header is 200</ p> <p>But what does it mean to grab the remarks behind the URL (with jump)

one thousand one hundred and sixty-five browse

The website has been locked by the homepage twice. Is it hopeless Webmaster Platform Pseudo original article

I am a website that has been updated by manual typing for two years. This year, the pseudo original software collected and updated more than 100 articles, and the homepage was k, which was included again after feedback from Baidu webmaster platform. Now I have updated the homepage by manual typing for two months, and now I find that the homepage has been k again. Previously, this website had dozens of ip every day, but now for a while, Baidu has one ip

one thousand two hundred and seventy-nine browse

The new website is slowly included online, and the webmaster platform cannot submit links and website maps Webmaster Platform Site Sitemap root directory

<p>The new website has been online for half a month and is also updating its content normally. The webmaster platform site verification and real name verification have been done, and the website map has also been put into the root directory. Now the website is still not included. Submitting sitemap and manual submission on the webmaster platform are restricted and cannot be submitted. I made a complaint on the webmaster platform without feedback.<

five hundred and twenty-two browse

What's the role of Baidu platform binding station? How to obtain Baidu ck in batches?? Expert answers Webmaster Platform Secondary domain name

1. What is the role of Baidu webmaster platform binding stations. The next step is to push secondary domain names. Why do we have to tie up the station? What's the function of this binding station??? Is it more push quota or what?? Is there any free station binding software on the network now? Or do you usually collect money? How many domains can Baidu webmaster platform add at most

one thousand seven hundred and eighteen browse

The website was inexplicably lost by Baidu K, without any improper operation Hot suggestions Webmaster Platform Pseudo original Update article article

<p>After the website goes online, the daily work is to update articles, which are highly fake and original, without any cheating means. Several months ago, my website was deleted from Baidu webmaster platform, and then added that it was a low-quality site that could not be added temporarily, and it has not been restored yet. This morning, it was suddenly directly added by Baidu K station. The key is that I don't know

five hundred and seventy-nine browse

Why is it so difficult to collect divine horses? Webmaster Platform

Shenma webmaster platform submitted verification and maps, but there were very few, only a dozen, and the traffic was also sporadic. Compared with hundreds of thousands included by Baidu, the difference was too big. Why is it so difficult to collect divine horses? Is there any good way to improve the collection

four hundred and fifty-one browse

What happened to Baidu recently? BUGs are frequently reported by the matrix. No matter where you stand, you will be killed Webmaster Platform

Is there a bug in Baidu's risk control system recently? Many webmasters trembled when they were threatened by K station. At present, they are known to involve Warcraft, dreams, miracles, journeys, hot blooded Jianghu, etc. These people took advantage of the bugs in the risk control system and made a lot of malicious reports. As long as the number of reports is enough, the risk control will hide your home page as to when

one thousand three hundred and eighty-six browse

No natural inclusion for a long time Webmaster Platform

Site: csshytbc. Cn problem: 1. The website has not been included naturally for a long time. 2. The website was kicked out of the webmaster platform at the end of September. I want to know how to update and optimize the website on the existing basis