Webmaster Platform

Webmaster Platform

It is a professional information platform serving webmasters and websites, and it is our responsibility to provide services for webmasters and websites. Provide comprehensive webmaster information, webmaster transaction intermediary services, webmaster tools, website building source software download and other services
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Chen Hongran
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one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven problem
two thousand five hundred and twenty-four browse

The website updates the website map on Baidu webmaster every day. Is this effective? Webmaster Platform

From the beginning to the present, my website (www.mlbbjm. com) has updated its website map in the background after updating three articles every day and then submitted it to the webmaster platform. However, some people say that it is unnecessary to update and submit it every day. It only takes a week or more to update and submit it occasionally. How can it be better

one thousand four hundred and seventy browse

About dead links Dead link Webmaster Platform four hundred and four

<p>The website has undergone a major revision and the domain name structure has changed, as shown in the figure below, the domain name structure is original and different from the current one. I want to submit dead links to Baidu webmaster platform. Can such a page be submitted directly to Baidu webmaster platform, or do you need to make a page that is displayed in 404 first</ p><p&……

five thousand seven hundred and five browse

Who can help me to check whether Baidu or a keyword ranking has been put on my website for 1 month Webmaster Platform Keyword ranking New station ranking Grab frequency

<p>Who can help me take a look at my website? What I have done is that www.guijinshuzhib.com, a live broadcast of precious metals, has been online for one month, and Baidu or a keyword ranking has been released. I have seen Baidu's capture frequency, which is about 20 on average. Below is the screenshot of the webmaster platform</ p><p>……

one thousand nine hundred and fifty browse

How can new stations quickly improve their inclusion? Website inclusion Sogou Webmaster Platform Baidu resource platform

My new station (inkjet printer w ww.5yzq. cn) launched on November 23 is currently included by 360, and Baidu and Sogou have not included it. Is there any way for the old railway to speed up website inclusion? (ps: What Baidu webmaster platform can use has been used, so has 360 webmaster platform, and Sogou has also submitted the website)

three thousand nine hundred and sixty-three browse

Baidu webmaster's automatic push data is not normal recently, what's the matter? Webmaster Platform Baidu resource platform

<p>Recently, the automatic push data of Baidu webmaster platform is somewhat abnormal. Since November 25, there is no data for wine, and I have filled in the code again, but it still doesn't work. Ask the Great God for correction</ p><p><br></p>……

two thousand one hundred and sixty-nine browse

There are six small-scale group wars. Would you like to ask if you can use the same account of Baidu webmaster platform? Webmaster Platform Baidu resource platform

There are six small-scale group wars. Would you like to ask if you can use the same account of Baidu webmaster platform? Personally, it seems to have an impact. The two websites with good rankings suddenly became unstable

two thousand six hundred and seventy-five browse

The website has been online for several days, but why hasn't it been captured or included? Webmaster Platform Pseudo original Grab frequency four hundred and four

<p>The pseudo original is updated every day, and the updated link is submitted. The website map was also submitted. But Baidu webmaster platform shows that the capture frequency is always 0. I just checked the log and found a large number of 404 and 403 statuses. Excuse me, is there a problem here? Also, why is the crawl frequency 0, but the log shows that spiders come every day</ p……

two thousand nine hundred and forty-nine browse

Prompt for domain name of old website search site: the URL is not found Webmaster Platform Site Old websites

<p>The domain name of the old website search website www.ssduo.com prompts that the URL is not found; The home page is not found on page 76 of the site data; However, the full title of the search site displays the home page; It seems that the home page is blocked; Go to Baidu webmaster platform to complain about the feedback (the current online status of the website is in line with expectations)

two thousand three hundred and ninety-one browse

The website has been nearly a month and has not been included by Baidu. What should we do? Website inclusion Sogou Webmaster Platform Included by Baidu soso Site Sitemap PHP Baidu resource platform Alibaba Cloud 301 Jump

The website has not been included by Baidu for three weeks. The domain name www.tianyan.club is the website. The server Nginx, Alibaba Cloud's independent cloud server ECS purchased by the server, and the website code php are normal. Baidu webmaster platform has made active push and automatic push

one thousand two hundred and nineteen browse

Students who run large websites please come in and help. Webmaster Platform Secondary domain name Site Sitemap

Is it normal that Baidu actively fetches less than 5 new secondary domain names every day for 12 days? The following work has been done during the launch of the new domain name: ① the diagnostic page can be successfully captured; ② Sitemap and automatic push; ③ 10 new items are updated every day; ④ Dozens of external chains and 7 friend chains; ⑤ The old station has done a lot of link oriented new secondary domain names; I listed the possibilities

four thousand four hundred and forty-three browse

My website was included by Sogou a few days ago, and there are still one or two hundred traffic every day, but all of a sudden it has disappeared? Sogou Webmaster Platform Sogou webmaster platform

I have collected data from both stations. The traffic is one or two hundred every day, which is pretty good. www.rejuyy.com and www.xlgys.cn have suddenly disappeared, and I can't find them. I'm surprised. When I collected the data, the key words were in front of me. Is it reported that Mao is not left? On the platform of Sogou webmaster, it shows that there are 2000 records and 2 traction on No. 20

three thousand eight hundred and seventy browse

Baidu is temporarily unable to connect to your server. Please check the server settings to ensure that the server of your website can be accessed normally. Error code: 500 Robots Webmaster Platform Site Sitemap Baidu resource platform

<p>Why does the 500 error code appear when I submit Robots in the background of Baidu webmaster platform? Why does this happen when I submit Robots</ p><p>  http://www.78hq.com/sitemap.xml </p&g……

one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one browse

Baidu webmaster platform crawling abnormal charts often appear disconnected, what is the reason? Webmaster Platform Grab exception Baidu resource platform

Baidu webmaster platform crawling abnormal charts often appear disconnected, what is the reason? It used to be normal to restart the server, but now it is useless. What is the situation? The web address is http://www.eni-cd.com/ Let's see

fifteen thousand three hundred and eighty browse

About a Baidu Spider Grab Hot suggestions Webmaster Platform Baidu spider Baidu resource platform

<p>Today, my website was attacked by CC, which connected tens of millions of times a second</ p> <p>The website could not be opened immediately, so I contacted the computer room to add CC strategy defense</p><p>. After that, the website could be opened in seconds</ p&g……

four thousand eight hundred and twenty-one browse

What are the countermeasures for dangerous websites reported on official websites and power reduction? Hot suggestions Algorithm update SEO Tools Website demotion Webmaster Tools Over optimization Friendly Links Webmaster Platform Rank down Keyword ranking Site Title browser Pseudo original Baidu resource platform Search engine algorithm Breeze algorithm

SEO promoters who maintain websites for a long time often encounter websites that they maintain being reported as dangerous websites by search engines and listed as sites with malicious tampering and fraud. The ranking of website keywords drops sharply, which often means that the website has been demoted in search engines. There are many factors that lead to these results, so when you see the website dropping, the keyword ranking drops

two thousand six hundred and sixty-eight browse

The website was hacked by Sogou. It takes 20-30 working days to appeal. Is there any way to speed up this process? Website is k Sogou Webmaster Platform

The website is www.cqkmjd.com. Baidu and 360 have included it, but only Sogou has not. The webmaster platform has been submitted many times, which is useless. Do you have friends who know how to restore the included rankings

one thousand seven hundred and nine browse

The website has been online for ten days, but it has not been included Webmaster Platform Included in new station New station online Baidu resource platform

<p>The new website has been online for ten days, and its homepage has not been included. Baidu webmaster platform statistics have been captured every day. I hope God can help me analyze the reason</ p> <p>Website: meiyouyan. com</p><p><br></

one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one browse

Https authentication problem Webmaster Platform https Baidu resource platform

<p></p><p>The https authentication of Baidu webmaster platform failed, and I don't know what the specific problem is. I didn't understand this for the first time. Below is the screenshot when I visited our website, without the verifier's explanation< br><……