Collection Treasure

Collection Treasure

Collection Treasure, a collection promotion tool specially designed for small and medium-sized websites, aims to help users of Didi Friendly Chain quickly obtain collection at a low price.
After purchase, submit the website. Didi Youlian leads spiders through various channels. The fees will be deducted after the website is included. 1 yuan/item, with a cycle of 15 days. Check the inclusion every day. If it is not included within 15 days, no fee will be deducted. The Baidu PC terminal ranking screenshot will prevail. If it is not used, the qualification will be extended indefinitely. Each website can submit 2 cycles at most.
The number of remaining pieces that have not been included can be converted into the number of spider pools of corresponding amount.
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The website has not included the original articles for more than 100 days Collection Treasure

Such as the title: The website has not included it all the time. It has insisted on updating original articles every day for more than 100 days. At present, the website plans to purchase a collection treasure for inclusion. I don't know about www.3hqz. Is there any restriction on the domain name Com

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Does the treasure you bought have any effect? article Collection Treasure

I started using the Collection Treasure two years ago. At that time, I remember that the collection treasure I bought was very effective, and many spiders climbed it on the website. Recently, I bought hundreds of Collection Treasures on my new website, but after many days of hanging it up, I found that the effect was not as good as before. After hanging it up, there were more spiders than before when I didn't buy the Collection Treasure, and it has not been included yet, Every... for the first week

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Which is more cost-effective to purchase the Spider Pool, Collection Treasure, and Long Tail Optimization? Spider Pool Collection Treasure

After a year of purchase, Souwai Spider Pool and Long Tail have been optimized. I don't think they play a prominent role. Please ask the god who has been using them for a long time to guide me. Before collecting treasure, I could still see the link on Baidu, but now I can't see it. The result has not been evaluated. Who knows if this has any effect

nine hundred and eighty-two browse

The home page will be included in 5 days of filing, the keyword webmaster right will be listed in 10 days, and it will be lost in 20 days! Spider Pool keep on record Collection Treasure

The home page is included in the record for 5 days, and the keyword webmaster right 1 appears in 10 days, and then all the keywords are lost in 20 days, and there are not many spiders in one day! At present, I have used a little spider pool and added a few collection treasures. It doesn't seem to have any effect! Do you have a Big Boss to help us analyze

eight hundred and eighteen browse

For the last four consecutive days, Baidu has not included a single item. Before that, every day was a dozen pages. What happened? Spider Pool code article Collection Treasure

Is there such a thing on your website? It has been like this several times before. It has been included normally for several consecutive days, but suddenly it has not been included for several days. Now, as a result, the number of words in the list has been declining, and the traffic has also decreased by 70%. I'm really drunk. How to solve the problem? I have fed back several times that it didn't work. What kind of spider pool and collection treasure didn't work. Continue to optimize and update high-quality articles

one thousand and seventy-eight browse

The new station has been online for a while, and I want to get a bucket for searching the whole family. Please give me some advice Spider Pool keep on record Applet Collection Treasure

For industrial products, the content of the filing domain website is collection+simple synonym replacement, and then paragraph transposition, as well as the combination of website supporting small programs. I'm doing private domain websites, and I want to achieve basic weight 2 (stable). I plan to include treasure, spider pool, and long tail collection. Let's each have a simple evaluation of the actual effect, And how to cooperate with these three things

nine hundred and sixty-six browse

How does the new station attract spiders? Luring spider Collection Treasure Friendly chain

A new website has been created. The homepage has been included, but the inner page has not responded! Want to ask some ways to attract spiders I used spiders several times. Except for some spiders that passed the first day of purchase, there was no response later! Then collect the treasure, you can go to the spider once when you submit the link that day, and then it is impossible later