Grab frequency

Grab frequency

The crawl frequency is the total number of times a search engine visits a website server in a unit time.
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one thousand two hundred and thirty-five problem
forty-six browse

Who can help me to find out what the problem is with this website? There is really no response at all Grab frequency

The dead method is no longer feasible. Updating all the time has no effect at all, and the frequency of grabbing is very few. Feedback is basically not suitable for inclusion, which is not as good as those abandoned websites. Www. zhboyang. com has not been included for almost a year. If it were not for other stations, Barbie Q would have been there

three hundred and eighteen browse

The website has been online for 27 days. What if Baidu doesn't include it? Content modification Grab frequency

The website has been online for 27 days. In the first week of launch, a home page was included. Some content in the middle of the home page was modified. It has been K and has not been included until now. These days, even the most basic capture frequency has not been found. Who knows why? Www.fakunanfawu. Com has made dozens of websites to meet this situation for the first time

seventy browse

Who has Baidu forbidden words? Or are divorce disputes, labor disputes and property disputes prohibited words? Webmaster Tools Grab frequency

For example, the keywords of my website include: divorce dispute, labor dispute, property dispute. I don't know whether they are prohibited words or not. Now, the frequency of website crawling is 0, and the inclusion is 0. I don't know whether it is related to this. Use the webmaster's tool to query, it seems that the word "dispute" has been automatically blocked. Tell me if the song god understands it

one hundred and two browse

How to bring website links to Baijia Grab frequency Baijia

I have asked questions before, but the frequency of website crawling is relatively low. Many big players told me to put some external links in the channel. At present, they plan to do a hundred account channel. The question now is how the hundred account channel links to websites. If they can't bring links, there is no sense in doing a hundred account

seventy-five browse

The capture frequency is getting lower and lower. Why Included by Baidu Grab frequency

The new station was launched on April 1, and started to publish content and submit it to Baidu for inclusion. Ten days after submission, Baidu came to capture it. At first, there were more than 500, then there were 1-200, and then there were dozens. Now the single digit number is zero. What's the reason

two hundred browse

In less than a week, 100 words were added, and then 30 words were added in less than a week. What should I do next? Grab frequency article

The content is the same as the title, and the previous words are articles written around dropdown words, including the rising words; As a result, the number of long tailed words (synonyms) of the drop down words (long tailed words) started writing after the drop down words were issued, but the frequency of grabbing was higher and higher. Previously, it had been about 150 for a week. I just looked at it, and it broke through 200 yesterday, and the curve kept going up. Next

eight hundred and seventy-two browse

Both websites have been demoted. Ask God for help. Site Grab frequency ranking Indexes

The first one: 3W FRXZJT.C0M has been ranked between 150 and 180 since the subject of rotary joint was dropped at the end of August. The index is still included, but it is much less than before. The index dropped in August and also rose. Second: 3W The collection of TZFRMF.C0M has almost stopped, from the home page to the third page of the site

five hundred and twenty-one browse

Hello, everyone. What's the matter with the website and the home page appearing on the second page? Site Grab frequency Indexes

Good morning, bosses. This morning, I found that the homepage URL dropped from the middle of the first page to the second page. Can you ask what's going on? How to return to the first page? At present, looking at Baidu's search resource platform, the website index has not changed except for 14 last week. Index: 30 per day, very stable. Capture frequency: more than 40 times a day

two hundred and eighty-nine browse

Alas, the website was demoted for the second time Grab frequency

<p>For the first time, it took a month and a half to recover. Will it be longer for the second time</ p> <p>In October, the server has been unstable. The card is often opened overtime or slowly.</p><p>The frequency of fetching has also dropped sharply. Up to now, there are only a few thousand<br

two hundred and fifty-eight browse

Baidu spider fetching problem Grab frequency

Since about the 23rd, Baidu spider has gone crazy. Previously, there were only more than 200 crawls a day, and the crawls were all newly released information. Now, I don't know what to do. The daily crawls of the webmaster's blog are more than 800, but the webmaster's background shows that the spiders are still more than 200. Then I looked at the contents of the crawls, and most of them were captured