keep on record

keep on record

Filing means reporting the cause to the competent authority for filing for reference. From the perspective of administrative law, in practice, it is mainly the provisions of the Legislative Law and the Regulations on the Filing of Regulations and Rules. In accordance with the spirit of the Measures for the Administration of Filing of Non operational Internet Information Services adopted at the 12th Ministerial Meeting of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China, the provision of non operational Internet information services within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be filed. Without filing, they shall not engage in non operational Internet information services within the territory of the People's Republic of China. The websites without records will be fined and closed.
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Successful filing, the website has been online for 20 days, and Baidu webmaster platform background still prompts that no filing information can be found, how to solve it quickly? Hot suggestions Site Sitemap keep on record

1. Successful filing, the website has been online for 20 days, and Baidu webmaster platform background still prompts that no filing information can be found, how to solve it quickly? 2. Through Baidu's background feedback, it said that I had to wait for 1 - 2 months to cache the data. It would be fatal if I could not fill in the filing number and the sitemap could not be submitted. Have you ever encountered such a situation

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Can stations that fail to pass the record rank top? keep on record ranking

Must the website domain name be filed? If the filing is not opened, will it affect the ranking at the top? How can I better improve the product keyword ranking of a website? How can I do better? Generally, how long does it take for the filing to succeed in a few days? What are the precautions for the website in filing? How can I better file? Is it easy for a new website to rank on the first page

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Does the website not record affect the ranking effect? keep on record ranking

The website has not been filed, does an unregistered station affect the ranking? How to optimize the station to improve its ranking and make the website rank first on the home page? Does it have anything to do with the filing of the updated articles every day? My station has not started filing yet. How long does it usually take to file? How can a successful filing be normal? How to optimize a station, and how to query the situation in the station

one hundred and seventy-three browse

Does the website not participate in the filing affect the ranking? keep on record ranking

The website has not been filed yet. Can a station that has not participated in the filing rank up to the home page? Must the website be filed? Does not participate in the filing affect the top ranking? How can I better optimize the unregistered stations to Baidu's home page, what else can I optimize besides updating content, and how can I improve the optimization effect of the website? Thank you for your advice

five hundred and fifty-two browse

Baidu will not include new websites keep on record

The new website has been put on record. The website has been online for more than two months, and Baidu has not included it. It can't even buy an external chain or a spider. It's speechless 😓。 Do you have any good methods to help speed up the collection? Please recommend them. Thank you

one hundred and fifty-five browse

I set up a new station for an intellectual property company. Baidu could not submit sitemap after filing. The maximum number of submissions is 0 Site keep on record

I set up a new station for an intellectual property company. After filing, Baidu could not submit a sitemap. The upper limit of submission: 0 entries submitted for filing showed that they were not included. Please feed back to Baidu webmaster. After feedback, it is useless. Is there anyone who has encountered the same situation as me, and can only wait? Or did you say that after a period of filing, it was synchronized to Baidu? The website is as follows for reference only: h

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Does the new station not participate in the filing affect the ranking? keep on record ranking

On the seventh day of the new station, the filing has not started yet. Will the new station's failure to participate in the filing affect the ranking, how to better pass the filing, how do I let the website file, what skills are there to pass the filing early, and how do successful filing work? My station has just started operation recently. I hope you can give me some advice on whether to file it

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Need to submit if the new station has not been filed? keep on record ranking

After the website has been built, it will start to operate. That is, if the website has not been filed, will there be any disadvantages for the stations that have not passed the filing? Do websites have to accept the filing to obtain rankings? Whether the ordinary station will be good or not, can it be successfully filed in a short time? What precautions should be taken and how to optimize a new station? What else should I do after submitting the new website

one hundred and seventy-three browse

Is it possible for the second level domain name to be filed after the first level domain name is filed? Secondary domain name keep on record ranking

The primary domain name of the website needs to be filed, and the secondary domain name needs to be filed. Do they need to be filed separately? My station has just started to optimize. Is there a ranking after filing? If there is no filing and no change, it must be filed? All data of my website are normal, and it is also a new website that has just started to optimize recently. What are the skills and methods

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Does the new station fail to pass the filing affect the ranking? keep on record ranking

It is a new website that has not been ranked and included, and has only recently begun to optimize. Does it have anything to do with the website not being ranked and not being filed? The new station has no intention of filing for a period of time. Generally, how can the new station get the ranking earlier? Must it be filed? How long does the filing take to pass, and how can it be done quickly

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Does the new website of the old domain name need to be filed for ranking? keep on record ranking

I want to establish a new website for the old domain name I bought. What are the requirements for establishing a new website for the old domain name? Does it also need to be filed to obtain rankings? Can the new website for the old domain name not need to be filed for the time being? How long does the new site of the old domain name rank top, and how to optimize it? How to optimize new stations? Thank you for your advice

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Does the website not participate in the filing affect the ranking? keep on record ranking

Is it because the new station has not started to record, and the new station must start to record to have ranking? Can the stations that have not participated in the filing have a ranking? How long will the new stations have a ranking after optimization? How long will the filing take, how fast will the filing succeed, and how do you generally file? The website has not been filed since it was launched. When is the appropriate time for filing

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Does the station not registered affect the optimization ranking? keep on record ranking

The website has not started filing yet. Will a station without filing affect the ranking? How to better optimize a website? Must it be filed? How can I deal with the problem that my website has not been registered, so that the website can improve its ranking earlier? How long does it take for the record to be filed, and what materials do I need to prepare for the record

one hundred and eighty-five browse

Can domain names that have not participated in the filing be ranked? keep on record ranking

If the domain name of the website is not filed, will it affect the ranking of the website? Does website optimization need to be filed? How long will it take to see the ranking without filing? Is it possible that the ranking will be faster after filing? Are most stations filing? My website has not been put on record. How can I handle the problem of making the website operate earlier? What do I need to do at this time

six hundred and twenty browse

Baidu search resource platform feedback not included keep on record

Baidu search resource platform feedback is not included. Hello, after internal troubleshooting, it is found that the website does not comply with the search quality experience specification. Quality specification reference: Com/act/seo?isResponsible=1, Website self inspection and whole site optimization are required. Thank you for your support and attention to Baidu! Domain Name

one hundred and ninety browse

Does not filing affect the top ranking of websites? Website ranking keep on record ranking

Can the unregistered ones be optimized? Do websites need to be filed for good results? My website has not been filed yet. What information is needed for filing, and what matters should be paid attention to for website filing. I will start filing in two weeks. What do I need to do? Thank you for answering the question

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Does the optimization of stations not registered affect the ranking? keep on record ranking

Will there be no ranking if the domain name is not filed? Do websites have to accept the filing to get good rankings? My website has not been put on record yet. I plan to put it on record in a few months. Is it troublesome to wait for a long time to put it on record? How can I put it on record to make the website ranking higher? Does not it affect the ranking? How should the website be filed

two hundred and eleven browse

Dear gods, does the transfer of domain names from one company to another affect normal access? keep on record

Dear gods, the domain names that have been filed have been transferred from one company to another. The two companies are in two provinces. Can the website be opened normally during the transfer and re filing? My domain name is registered under the same account, but it is registered by two different subjects and two different companies. Now I want to transfer the domain name to another company

one hundred and ninety-nine browse

Need to submit the website revision once? Website revision keep on record

It's a half year old station. Recently, the type of the station to be revised is different. Do you want to re record it? Because the type is different, do you still need to submit it after the revision? How to submit is better. There will be many differences after the website is revised. Do we want to submit or file it once

one hundred and eighty browse

Does failure to pass the filing affect the optimization in the station? Station optimization keep on record

The website has not been put on record yet. How to optimize a station that has not been put on record has any impact on the website. How can I optimize the station that has not been put on record to achieve the effect? It is not a new station, but an ordinary station has recently started to optimize. What is not put on record is normal

six hundred and nine browse

About ICP filing, and public network security (public security) filing? keep on record icp

After the ICP filing, does the enterprise website still have to do public network security? (Public security record keeping) Do you have any friends who know about it? Tell me what the impact would be if you had to do nothing, because now I see that most websites have not done it (public security record keeping), but only ICP record keeping