Seems to understand the reason for massive weight loss

Recently a large number of individual sites and enterprise sites have been plucked out of weight

The reason for weight loss is probably that a page has multiple snapshots and multiple weights (this refers to multiple dimensions, for example, the same keyword has multiple snapshots and weights on the same page)

Baidu is now the one with the lowest weight (previously, it may be the average of multiple page weights or the best weight)

Verification method:

For example, the title of the home page is xxx, xxxx - brand words+keywords

Search brand words+keywords

You will find miracles...

Previously, the site was not in the top five, and you won't be in the top position in any search...

Now brand words+keywords have rankings

This may be an individual case, but it may be a large proportion.

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This can only be understood as Weight reduction But I think most people have been emptied of their weight and lost all their words. I think this is not the main reason.