What website optimization tool queries spider crawling?

What are the most used tools in website optimization, and what good tools can be used to query and judge spiders? I need a tool to analyze and query the spiders on the website to see if they can crawl and crawl normally. Which tool is easy to use? I can't analyze logs, so it's best to use tools.

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    4 participants
gmod · Material website, website template, website material, video tutorial, sucaipro. com

Is there no update? New content will come. I just don't have time to update at least one

Alpasino · The object has a soul

Look directly Website Log Just do it

 125 Notarization
125 Notarization · 125 Notarization and certification service platform

see Website Log Most accurate. Other tools are not very accurate

 SEO training enrollment
one hundred and ninety-two