XDM Chinese domain name is still useful

XDM's Chinese domain name is still useful now. I was bored by the recent push of Chinese domain name. I said that my site's Chinese domain name will be renewed for 1000 yuan for 5 years when it expires. Please handle it quickly or you will have to cancel it

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    4 participants
£ Xiao Liming My WeChat: sec_vip Wait for 2 people to agree with the answer

browser They don't recognize Chinese, and the copy is consistent, so it is difficult to promote, unless the Chinese can be displayed normally, it will be easy to promote

£ Xiao Liming My WeChat: sec_vip Wait for 2 people to agree with the answer

Just ignore the sales routine

 Pushing frog
Pushing frog · He is good at SEOSEM procurement diagnosis, scheme preparation, and optimization of operation and maintenance. WeChat: tuituiwaseo
£ Xiao Liming My WeChat: sec_vip Wait for 2 people to agree with the answer

1. This is Chinese domain name The sales promotion is a routine. Everyone needs to renew the domain name, but I have never bought it;
2. The promotion of this Chinese domain name can be ignored directly.

£ Xiao Liming My WeChat: sec_vip Wait for 2 people to agree with the answer

It didn't work from the beginning

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